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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, November 04, 2008

South Dakota Vote Running Against Ballot Initiatives

With 77 of 799 precincts reporting, all of South Dakota's ballot initiatives are so far running to "No."

The open government Initiated Measure 10 is running 70.15-29.85% against.

The abortion ban Initiated Measure 11 is running 56.47-43.53% against.


Haggs said...

The IM10 results are not too surprising.

For IM11, I'm waiting for more votes to come in from West River before I celebrate.

Christina Dunigan said...

I've been asking what we've done to deserve Barack Obama. And I'm seeing the answer. When you have a state so close to being abortion-free, and they're voting to keep the practice. When clergy are taking out an ad to say, "Let's keep abortion."

God gave Israel over to Babylon. I get the feeling He's been more than patient with us. But also that His patience is running out.

Bob Ellis said...

Yes, GrannyGrump, a number of Christian pro-life folks in 2006 feared God's patience with us would end if we didn't pass the ban that year.

It looks like God gave us another chance in 2008; it remains to be seen what we'll do with it. With about half the precincts reporting right now, the margin has narrowed a little to 54-46 against.

With some of the outrageous, clueless, morally bankrupt statements I've seen at Dakota Voice and in the media...yes, I'm afraid we DO deserve Barack Obama.

We can hope for mercy in the next 4+ years...but we sure don't deserve any.

Dakota Voice
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