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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bill Almost Divorced Hillary

More sleazy claims about the Clintons in Carl Bernstein's "A Woman in Charge" new book, according to the Daily Mail.

Is it true? Who knows, but there's enough evidence from both Bill and Hillary's behavior to make it credible.

Bill Clinton was ready to divorce Hillary to be with one of his lovers, according to a book out next month.

The marriage crisis is said to have ended with his wife talking him out of the move, telling a friend "there are worse things than infidelity".

On one hand, you want to laugh at how silly and politically obsessed the Clintons are. On the other hand, you almost want to pity them for being such slaves to their own ambition (and in Bill's case, a slave to his libido) that they'll act like complete fools just to obtain and hang onto power.

Read the article and you'll probably get enough self-absorbed sleaze that you won't need to read the book.

Adult Stem Cells Create Insulin

According to, adult stem cells have been successfully used to create insulin. More specifically, the stem cells came from umbilical cord blood.

Unlike the controversial embryonic stem cell research, adult stem cell research doesn't end a human life.

Adult stem cell therapy already has an impressive list of successes, including but not limited to helping the paralyzed walk, restoring sight to the blind, and heart capacity to a heart attack sufferer.

Meanwhile, the crickets are still chirping as we wait for even one success story from embryonic stem cell research.

Why is it so important to some people to destroy a human life for a "maybe" medical advance, when there are already medical advances from stem cell research that don't devalue human life?

Zaniya Project Findings: Health Care Access Not a Major Problem

In examining some of the information available on the Zaniya Project website, some interesting findings in a presentation on health care access.

The presentation reviewing South Dakota's uninsured found that

  • 91.5% of South Dakotans have health insurance
  • Regardless of insurance coverage, most had reasonable access to care
  • 55.1% of survey respondents said obtaining health care while uninsured was "somewhat easy or very easy"
  • 18.4% of respondents said they have not needed health care
  • "This research suggests that persons are not being turned away when they need care."
  • "While many South Dakotans would benefit from expanded healthcare coverage, it is not certain from this study that such an expansion would substantially alter access to healthcare when needed."

This tells me there is little need for major changes to our health care system, at least not the kind that would increase costs (taxes) to those who already are insured, and certainly not the kind that would socialize medicine.

Seminar on Islam in Rapid City

South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City is hosting a two-part study of Islam this Sunday and next Sunday. With Islam and Islamic countries in the news every day, all day, this is a timely subject.

I attended a talk on Islam at South Canyon Baptist a few weeks ago, given by author and historian William Federer. I consider myself fairly well educated on Islamic history, but I learned a lot in that one hour. This seminar by Dr. Wells is sure not to disappoint, too.

So if you're in the Rapid City area, and your church doesn't have Sunday evening services (or if your church might like to come as a group and join South Canyon Baptist), it's sure to be an informative evening. See the ad pasted in below for details.

In addition to being senior pastor of South Canyon Baptist Church, Dr. Richard Wells is President and Professor of Leadership and Pastoral Theology at the Black Hills Biblical Institute. Before coming to South Dakota, he was president of Criswell College in Dallas, Texas. His credentials: B.A., Florida Southern College; M.Min., The Criswell College; M.A, Stetson University; Ph.D., Baylor University; Ph.D., University of North Texas; Additional Study: Tyndale House, Cambridge.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sony Makes Bendable TV Screen

The future is here!

The Daily Mail has an article on a new innovation by Sony: it's a bendable TV screen that's .3 millimeters thick. It reminds me of those little fold-out communicators they had on that Gene Roddenberry series "Earth: Final Conflict" a few years ago.

The article says Sony has a video on their web site, but if they do, it's hidden well.

I did find a video of it (in Japanese language) on YouTube:

Klaudt Foster Care Conflict of Interest

KELO has a story on a potential conflict of interest with Ted Klaudt's foster parenthood.

The South Dakota Constitution doesn't allow a legislator to earn money from a state program he or she decides how to fund. But former representative Ted Klaudt helped determine funding for the Department of Corrections, which essentially paid Klaudt and his wife for their work as foster parents.

Since they became foster parents, the Klaudts earned nearly $160,000 for parenting those kids.

Here's the breakdown:
FY 2002 $11,108.00
FY 2003 $25,086.11
FY 2004 $33,712.50
FY 2005 $36,552.00
FY 2006 $38,818.46
FY 2007 $12,842.04
TOTAL: $158,119.11

The article points to a 2001 South Dakota Supreme Court Decision, Carol Pitts v. The Auditor of South Dakota, which sets precedent that this arrangement would be a conflict of interest.

The article says some legislators disagree, since the foster care system wasn't created while Klaudt was in the legislature, but on the surface of it, I believe it probably would, especially with Klaudt as chair of the Government Operations and Audit Committee (GOAC).

Another item in the article that doesn't pass the smell test is how the foster care contract is only in Klaudt's wife Connie's name. It seems odd that a husband and wife providing foster care wouldn't have both their names listed on the paperwork. This omission makes it appear intentional, perhaps to provide a dodge in case the conflict-of-interest question came up.

If that omission was intentional, the article opines that the Department of Social Services (DSS) was probably complicit in it because it would be a stretch to believe that no one at DSS knew of Klaudt's position on the GOAC, since GOAC had oversight of the child care system.

This would seem to make the case for an independent oversight agency (independent of the legislature and DSS) even stronger.

Laughing at Suffering Children

Chad has a post at Clean Cut Kid called "Last Laugh?" about "unintended consequences" of measures to protect marriage from being hijacked by homosexuals.

I suppose if your goal is to undermine marriage and destroy families, then maybe homosexuals are having the last laugh. But I don't consider expanding the mess to be a laughing matter.

In the end, the examples cited simply illustrate the desperate need to uphold traditional marriage and families...from both heterosexual and homosexual underminers. I can't help but read about those cases and have my heart ache at the thought of the screwed-up childhood these kids are enduring.

This kind of anarchy causes not only emotional suffering for the adults involved, but the real damage is to the children who, while trying to find their way and understand the world around them, find those (their parents) who should be sacrificing to give them a stable environment instead hedonistically pursuing their own ends. And if the child ends up deprived of their mother or father, robbed of a normal upbringing, and playing the role of pawn between two people who are too selfish to put anyone or anything ahead of themselves...then I guess that's just the price to be paid for self actualization.

So if you don't mind a generation of confused, emotionally damaged children who will breed consecutive confused, damaged children, then keep it up. If your own selfish desires are worth a dysfunctional society full of angry people, and the resultant crime and lost productivity, go ahead and continue putting yourself ahead of innocent children.

Free Health Care<>Quality Health Care

From the April 26, 2007 meeting minutes of the Zaniya Project, I give them kudos for at least recognizing this important reality:

Special consideration must be given to Native Americans who have an entitlement to health care that has not produced quality health care.

Hopefully this recognition will help them understand that "free" health care is not a real solution, and government health care is always expensive and problematic, often producing pathetic results.

Sears, K-Mart Demonstrate Supporting the Troops

From NewsMax:

Sears Holdings Corporation on Friday announced the launch of Heroes at Home, a charitable partnership with the nation's leading volunteer home rehabilitation organization, Rebuilding Together.

Through Heroes at Home, Sears Holdings seeks to improve the lives of military families in need across America by making necessary repairs, improvements or modifications to their homes.

That's putting your money where your mouth is.

Customers can help, too:
Sears and Kmart customers are encouraged to make a donation at Sears stores from May 25 through July 8 or at Kmart stores from June 17 through July 8. Donations may also be made online at or

I wish everyone in America who benefits from the umbrella of protection purchased by the blood, sweat and tears of our military members felt this way.

Merck's vaccine tied to 3 deaths

From WorldNetDaily, on the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine:

At least three deaths and more than 1,600 adverse reactions including spontaneous abortion and paralysis have been connected to Merck & Co.'s new vaccine for the human papillomavirus, a treatment the company has lobbied state lawmakers to make mandatory for young girls across the nation.

Maybe you want to take a chance like this with your daughter's health and life, but I'll teach mine to be sexually responsible and take my chances that she'll heed. She's a smart girl with the ability to control herself.

Romney Dodges Morality

From NewsMax, Mitt Romney says his opposition to homosexual "marriage" should not be interpreted as "intolerance of gays."

When asked whether he thought homosexuality is immoral:

"I don't think that a person who's running for a secular position as I am should talk about or engage in discussions of what they in their personal faith or their personal beliefs is immoral or not immoral," the former governor said in the AP interview.

Does that mean he won't be discussing whether the following things are wrong: murder, rape, theft, assault, abortion, embryonic stem cell research, extortion, blackmail, terrorism, discrimination, bribery, graft, nepotism, human rights abuses, civil rights violations, and so on?

Most religions I know of address most or all of these, in principle if not directly. Most of the things you could list as a societal issue has a moral component which is usually addressed by one's religion. I don't think homosexuality--something the Judeo-Christian Bible condemns repeatedly and is an extremely unhealthy sexual practice--is an exception.

If Romney isn't going to discuss whether he thinks anything is right or wrong, it's going to be a pretty boring and quiet campaign for him.

American Christianity Sliding into Dangerous Territory

OneNewsNow reports on a Barna group finding that Christianity in America is slipping into a "Laodicean" spiritual state:

The survey director says most Americans seem to have one foot in the "biblical camp" and one foot outside it -- placing themselves in what Kinnaman refers to as a "squishy middle."

"They say they are committed, but to what?" he asks. "They are spiritually active, but to what end? The spiritual profile of American Christianity is not unlike a lukewarm church that the Bible warns about." (Revelation 3:14-22)

Jesus says to the church in Laodicea, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

Doesn't sound good, does it? That wishy-washy, neither-hot-nor-cold...what does that sound like? Does that sound like these much-lauded "moderates" to you? It certainly does to me.

It also sounds like these people--Christians included--who take a buffet-style approach to life and truth and spirituality. But truth isn't just something you can pick and choose. It is or it isn't, and if you're on the wrong side of the truth, you're in trouble.

Despite what pop society tells you today, Jesus never was and never will be "tolerant" or "moderate." Full of grace and love? Oh yeah! But when it comes to a heart-attitude that really isn't concerned with seeking the truth, it's His way or the highway.

He proved that with the statement from Revelation above. Also when he said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." And "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

These results are not a big surprise, sadly, given the non-stop barrage of Christian ridicule from the media, minimization of religion from the government, and the pathetic silence from many who do take their faith seriously but are afraid of what people might say if they are open about their faith. Plus a pervasive culture that takes God's grace for granted and believes "all roads lead to heaven."

Can the trend be turned around? I believe so. But not if Christians keep sitting on their hands, or sitting in the mushy middle.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Passing Up Gas Sales: Towne Market Mobil owner Harvey Pollack Makes Statement

(AP) Dinesh Ramde's article, "Wis. gas station shuts pumps over prices" (May 24, 2007) made me smile.

According to the article,
" MEQUON, Wis. - Motorists pulled in to Harvey Pollack's gas station Thursday, honked and gave him a thumbs-up — because he wasn't selling any fuel.

The owner of Towne Market Mobil in this suburb north of Milwaukee shut down his pumps for 24 hours, hoping to start a movement aimed at persuading oil companies to lower their prices.

"Somebody out there is making money at these prices, but not me," said Pollack, 57. "So I just thought: What can I do to help the consumer?"

Some feel that people will simply go elsewhere to get their gasoline. It's true -- some will. What about those who won't? What about the growing number of people that feel prices are out-of-control and are tired of it? Corporations might be surprised to find out just how many dissatisfied consumers there are. Dissatisfied enough to start fighting back by not buying when they can go without.

This could get quite interesting, especially if the United States of America spirit gets involved and all fired up! We are by nature, after all, a very determined breed of people. It just sometimes takes being backed into the corner for that spark to light the fire. And I would say, if we aren't in the corner yet, it's only because we have re-defined what a corner is. Thank goodness people like Harvey Pollack haven't!

Excuses for Foreign Invasion

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is making excuses for allowing a silent invasion of the United States.

From USA Today:

He dismissed the argument of Republican conservatives, such as Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Calif., who argue that illegal immigrants will leave if strict enforcement of U.S. laws makes it impossible for them to find a job.

"You're not going to replace 12 million people who are doing the work they're currently doing," Chertoff said. "If they don't leave, then you are going to give them silent amnesty. You're either going to let them stay or you're going to be hypocritical."

Bilbray said his idea hasn't worked because "there's been a conscious strategy of not enforcing the law."

Then Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez adds a new excuse: we don't have enough people in the work force.
"The reality is, we don't have enough people," said Gutierrez, adding that many of the USA's economic competitors, such as France, Germany, Japan and China, will be facing a similar demographic shift.

Now here's a novel idea: instead of killing 1.3 million unborn children in the United States every year, let's allow them to be born, replace illegal immigrants in our work force with natural-born citizens, and send every illegal alien we can find packing.

But no; enforcing existing border/immigration laws is too much trouble. Much easier just to kill unborn children and replace them with cheap labor from Mexico.


From the Globe and Mail:

A new study says people whose marriages have broken up are at higher risk of depression than those who remain with their spouse, and that men appear to take the separation harder.

The Statistics Canada study found that men who had divorced or separated were six times more likely to report an episode of depression than men who remained married, while women who had undergone marital break-ups were 3.5 times more likely to have had bouts of depression than their counterparts who were still in relationships.

Unless there's abuse, it's better to keep marriages intact. Especially for children, but also for the husband and wife.

The Dangers of Assumptions


By Carrie K. Hutchens

It's easy to look at the case of Emilio Gonzales and make assumptions from afar. Easy to make assumptions based upon what we think is transpiring and trumped by our own bias. After all, when we are safely sitting in our own homes, with our own loved ones and friends safe, it is easy to see Emilio and his family as not actually being "people" living this experience, but rather, characters in a movie or book/story scenario. Characters that we feel we are invited to love or hate and to blast, if we wish. How wrong!

I have read some very "below the belt" remarks made towards and about Emilio's Mom! Even knowing how cruel people can be, I was shocked. (Full Story)

Identified Flaws in the System Left Klaudt Foster Children Vulnerable


By Gwen Caldwell

Voices of Women

As a family rights advocate and Founder of Voice of Women, the recent arrest of former South Dakota lawmaker Ted Klaudt is of special interest to me. I applaud these young women for having the courage to come forward and report this inappropriate behavior. The affidavit is a heart-wrenching read. We are aware that this is not an isolated problem, especially where Native American children are concerned. (Full Story)

Baby Emilio Gonzales' Life Was Honored at St. Mary's Catholic Church

Little Emilio Gonzales' funeral was Wednesday, May 23, 2007, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Lockhart, Texas, according to's coverage, "Emilio Gonzales Laid To Rest" (Julie Simon - May 23, 2007).

Such a short life, but one that touched so many! Go in love and peace, Emilio!

Texas: New Futile Care Law Dead in the House???

According to, "End-of-life legislation stalls in Texas House", by AP (5/23/2007 3:57 PM),

"A proposal to extend the time for medically futile patients before a hospital can cut off their life support never made it out of the Texas House.

The legislation -- already approved in the Senate -- was scheduled for a House vote, but the plan never came up before a midnight Tuesday deadline for the passage of certain bills.

Rep. Dianne White Delisi, R-Temple, says her proposal needed more time for debate, so it's likely the current 10-day deadline for cutting off life-sustaining treatment will remain Texas law."

How convenient!

Breathing New Hot Air into Air America

CNS News reports the Left is going to try to resurrect Air America:

A liberal talk radio network founded more than three years ago as an alternative to conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh is undergoing a "relaunch" this week, though media analysts say "the marketplace will tell the story" of whether the revamp will succeed in the long run.

This was heavily subsidized by the Left before (i.e. wasn't run as a marketable business like the Rush Limbaugh show), and it still couldn't make it. I doubt this new attempt will succeed...unless George Soros and the gang pumps even more money into it to prop it up.

That's the difference between liberal talk radio and conservative talk radio. While that segment of malcontents and America-haters exists in the population, most people don't want to listen to an hour or two of their country being bashed, their president being compared to Hitler, and pretty much everything good about their country being badmouthed as regressive.

EO: Extensive Emergency Authority Over Private Sector

WorldNetDaily is reporting President Bush has signed an executive order which grants extensive new powers to the president in times of national emergency.

President Bush has signed a directive granting extraordinary powers to the office of the president in the event of a declared national emergency, apparently without congressional approval or oversight.

The "National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive" was signed May 9, notes Jerome R. Corsi in a WND column.

It was issued with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive.

The directive establishes under the office of the president a new national continuity coordinator whose job is to make plans for "National Essential Functions" of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations to continue functioning under the president's directives in the event of a national emergency.

"Catastrophic emergency" is loosely defined as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."

I understand that the office of the president already has some authority in this regard, but this appears to significantly broaden that authority. I'm especially concerned not only by the supersession of state and local authority, but private sector organizations. Overreaching control over the private sector is a socialist tactic, not the practice of a free republic.

While I can see some practicality to such an edict, and we might even be able to trust George W. Bush with it, there are bound to be presidents that we cannot. I have only to think back to Bill Clinton to know there may be presidents to whom this kind of power would be gasoline and a box of matches in the hands of an arsonist.

Our country has come through great national calamities without this kind of presidential authority before: the War of 1812, the Great Depression, the Drought of the 1930s, WWII, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.

If something arises where presidential authority is needed beyond what already exists, we can have Congress expedite passage of such constitutional authority. And if that takes days or even weeks, we can go back to being a nation that trusts God first and our own strength and wisdom second.

This sounds like a bad idea for a people who like to call themselves free.

SDSM&T Solicitation Policy Under Review

The Rapid City Journal reports the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology "solicitation" policy requiring two-week notice will be reviewed:

RAPID CITY — The vice president of university relations at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology said a policy requiring demonstrators to give two weeks’ notice before setting up will be reviewed, but no changes have been made yet.

This stems from from the May 7 arrest of pro-lifer Joey Cox in the parking lot of SDSM&T.

Excerpts from al-Qaeda Torture Manual

The Smoking Gun has images from an al-Qaeda torture manual. Note that they don't stoop to the unspeakable practices of playing loud music and making victims pile up in a naked pyramid. assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like "blowtorch to the skin" and "eye removal." Along with the images, which you'll find on the following pages, soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters.

*Note to John Edwards: this isn't a playground tiff. This is a life and death war with deeply evil people who have no concept of "moderation," "compromise," "tolerance," "peace," "negotiation," or "getting along." The sooner you and your colleagues wake up and act like grownups, the sooner we can resume the effort to completely defeat these barbaric butchers.

John Edwards: Hiding from the Bogeyman


Democrat John Edwards Wednesday repudiated the notion that there is a "global war on terror," calling it an ideological doctrine advanced by the Bush administration that has strained American military resources and emboldened terrorists.

An ideological docrine? How do you "embolden terrorists" when they're already blowing up your embassies and flying commercial airplanes into your skyscrapers?
"We need a post-Bush, post-9/11, post-Iraq military that is mission focused on protecting Americans from 21st century threats, not misused for discredited ideological purposes," Edwards said in remarks prepared for delivery. "By framing this as a war, we have walked right into the trap the terrorists have set—that we are engaged in some kind of clash of civilizations and a war on Islam."

How shall we frame it? As a game? Fun time? A debate?

People who can't even deal with the reality that there are evil people in the world who would love to see America wiped off the face of the earth shouldn't even be considered for the nation's highest office.

John Edwards is a mental and emotional kindergartener who thinks if he just puts his hands over his eyes, the boogeyman will just go away.

But then, most of the Democrat candidates have this mentality to a great degree. Most of them just don't express it so...candidly.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Napoli: Serious Change Needed in Child Welfare

From KELO, Senator Bill Napoli takes issue with the Department of Social Services and the way they operate:

"We've got to eliminate some of the secrecy surrounding these children. It's almost as if it's like a hidden world where these children go into D.S.S. And they disappear. And we've got to change that," Napoli says.

This failure of the system around Ted Klaudt, as terrible as it is, remains only one facet of a larger problem with child protective services.

I've worked with DSS as a referral agency from my time in law enforcement many years ago, and even then, some of what I saw about how they operate is chilling. There is a dreadful lack of accountability for DSS, and they have a frightening amount of power; they make the police look like school crossing guards. And any efforts to redress grievances with them is an exercise in frustration and futility.

I talked with Senator Napoli earlier tonight. While I'll be writing more about that conversation at a later date, for now I'll say that we share a common concern about the need for drastic change in child protective services in South Dakota. If anything good can come out of this sad incident, hopefully it could be the catalyst for much-needed change in how the state deals with children and families across the state.

Incarcerating Invaders

From everything I've heard, this big immigration compromise everybody's talking about contains amnesty, which should be non negotiable: no rewarding lawbreakers.

However, it sounds like some Republicans are working on something to do with immigration that might have promise.

From NewsMax:

A Republican proposal to crack down on illegal border crossers with mandatory prison sentences also was to be discussed Wednesday, as leaders in both parties sought to alter elements of the broad agreement that are drawing criticism from their core supporters.

While I'm supportive of the principle behind this idea (i.e. holding them accountable for breaking our laws), I don't like the idea of the taxpayers footing the bill for incarcerating these invaders.

Now if we billed the Mexican government for it...

Lakota Won't Stand for Veteran Bashing

Oglala Sioux Tribal Councilman Jason "Jake" Little has people talking about recalling him after his anti-war, anti-veteran comments.

From the Rapid City Journal:

That way, "they won't have to shot (sic) someone just to go to college," Little is quoted as saying in unofficial minutes of the meeting. "I would much rather see that you know how many of you sitting around here would honor me if I killed a child?"

He went on to say, "Thousands of children are killed everyday in wars, ... perhaps hundreds of thousands in some conflict,s and these people had a hand in it, delivered bullets, delivered food, pushed buttons, called in co-ordinance, some raped, beat, murdered, it's all murder."

But this isn't sitting well at all with other Lakota:
According to the tribe's veterans services office, there are at least 2,900 military veterans living on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. About 12 percent of Indian people nationwide serve in the U.S. military.

"I grew up always believing that the veterans held a high place in our society," Dillon said, noting that veterans are honored at diverse events including from powwows and basketball games. "We regard our warriors with ... admiration and respect."

Little's comments especially rankled Lakota veterans -- many of whom would like to see Little's removal from office.

I don't normally like to slice and dice things along ethnic lines (we're all God's children, all sons and daughters of Adam and Eve), but I will say that I'm very proud of Native Americans for having such a high percentage of service to America.

I'm also very proud of the stand they're taking against this Leftist veteran-bashing. I wish people across America of all ethnic backgrounds would be as outspoken against this divisive politicization of national defense and fighting terrorists.

The Left is working very, very hard to manufacture another "Vietnam," both in the self-inflicted defeat America suffered there, and in the disgraceful way our military was treated. It's good to know many Lakota aren't going to stand for it; I hope others will learn from their noble example.

New Creation Museum in Canada

The house of cards that is evolution is slowly starting to crumble. Now comes the Big Valley Creation Science Museum in Alberta, Canada.

From the Calgary Herald:

Owner Harry Nibourg said in a press release that the museum provides compelling evidence for creation and refutes any unguided, "natural" processes such as evolution.

He said the museum's "fossils and the flood" display, which teams a giant model of Noah's ark with museum-quality fossils, is evidence the biblical flood actually happened.

Of course, they have the same intellectual and scientific double-standard in Canada as we do here.

From University of Calgary biology professor Anthony Russell:
"I can't say it is a bad thing," he said.

"But it is not saying, 'Come in and make up your own mind.'

"It is a propaganda approach and I don't know society really needs that sort of thing."

But the "propaganda approach" for evolution theory is just fine? Of course it is.

It's the same thing we see in major museums and books across America: the theory of evolution--which no one was around to observe and of which no record exists--is presented as fact. But if you even posit the theory that an intelligent designer created the universe, and suddenly that's propaganda, superstition and mind-control. Uh huh.

Some day, just like the eugenics movement and the ice-age doom-criers, people will realize the theory of evolution is scientifically unviable and full of hot air.

Until then, we'll just have to press on amidst the grumbling of intellectuals who can't stomach a scientific challenge to their philosophy.

Price of Speaking on Poverty: $55,000

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, who recently proposed an educational policy that urged "every financial barrier" be removed for American kids who want to go to college, has been going to college himself -- as a high paid speaker, his financial records show.

The candidate charged a whopping $55,000 to speak at to a crowd of 1,787 the taxpayer-funded University of California at Davis on Jan. 9, 2006 last year, Joe Martin, the public relations officer for the campus' Mondavi Center confirmed Monday.

What was his topic: "Poverty, the great moral issue facing America."

I wonder if he'll be donating that $55k to charity like a good little socialist. Oh, I forgot: compassion is for the little people to cough up.

Zaniya Project Website

I just found out the Zaniya Project website address:

Watch this website and other news sources for information about the Zaniya Project, "South Dakota's Health Care Initiative." The current trend is to get government more and more involved in every area of our lives--especially health care.

Any time a politician and/or bureaucrat is involved in something that affects your wallet, your taxes, and your very watchful and wary. And when these politicians and bureaucrats are liberals (as most of those associated with this project are), don't drop your guard for a second.

Even the normally conservative Heritage Foundation has been a great disappointment in the Mass. health care monster.

The idea of forcing people to buy health insurance, or forcing free people to pay for someone elses health care against their will is morally repugnant and completely unAmerican.

There are better ways of reducing soaring costs and fixing our health care system than taking away people's freedom--and taxes--and the number one way is REDUCING government involvement in health care, not INCREASING it.

South Dakota Independent Investigator Needed?

With the charges against Ted Klaudt and the involvement of the foster care system, some believe an independent investigator is needed to avoid "conflict of interest" cynicism since this investigation could be viewed as "state investigating state." After all, Klaudt is a former legislator. And an examination of the foster care program has already begun.

From the Argus Leader:

In the wake of the felony charges announced Friday against former Rep. Ted Klaudt, a child advocate and a state senator both said South Dakota should reconsider funding a totally independent investigation position.

Such a person would be capable, perhaps, of catching complaints early.

"Sooner or later, we're going to have to go back to that and see if we can create a totally independent investigator," Republican Sen. Bill Napoli of Rapid City said Tuesday. "Whether next session or after, we have to look at that again."

Bill Napoli adds:
"There has to be something between the people and Social Services, the people and Corrections," Napoli said. "Right now, there's a perception that the state can take a child whenever they want. That's the reason people don't trust us and don't trust government."

From my law enforcement experience in the past, I do know that DSS has far too much power and far too little accountability; in fact, it's downright scary. What they can get away with makes police authority look pretty tame and impotent, in comparison.

Napoli's not the only one who has serious concerns over DSS's overreaching power. I've had conversations with Gwen Caldwell of Voice of Women about this issue and she has many horror stories of DSS tearing families apart with very little justification, and an overall atmosphere that DSS will do what it wants and there isn't much the little guy can do about it.

The Argus says from Gwen:
Caldwell feels more than a lack of trust. She was among a group of people who testified about child protection services and foster care issues during a meeting of the Legislature's Government Operations and Audit Committee in 2005. Klaudt co-chaired those proceedings.

"I just feel a real betrayal by this whole thing," Caldwell said of the announcement of charges. "We had some really grave concerns about how children were being handled by the state, and those concerns we took to Ted Klaudt as chairman of GOAC. ... How can someone be the solution when potentially, he's the problem?"

I honestly don't know if an independent office/investigator will solve the problem or even do much good. Maybe it would, but I have certain doubts.

If the expectation was that this person/office is to have some superior moral position or ability, you can't rely on such a thing. After all, any office/investigator would be made up of people, and we humans are always going to be susceptible to moral failures and even the evil of which Ted Klaudt is accused. It doesn't matter whether you're a cop or a legislator or a governor or a president: the human heart has a vulnerability to give in to evil that knows no occupational or educational boundaries.

Also, I don't know how such a position could both have the authority it needed to function as oversight, while not being too close to or too much a part of the very government system it's supposed to be watch-dogging. Maybe there's a way; I just can't envision an effective marriage of all the necessary elements.

But looking for better solutions, in light of the systemic problems mentioned by Napoli and Caldwell, and in light of this latest horrible incident, is certainly warranted.

Sanford: Major Children's Hospital

From the Argus Leader:

When the hospital is completed in 2009, Sanford Children's will house just over one-third of the more than 350 children's hospital beds in South Dakota, according to the National Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions.

This could save a lot of people from having to go to Minnesota for specialized care:
Sanford's growth could mean children in western South Dakota who need specialized care for rare or serious conditions increasingly will be sent to Sioux Falls rather than Denver or Minneapolis, said Dr. Charles Hart, president and chief executive of Rapid City-based Regional Health.

"I think it'll bring to the state greater access, especially to specialty care," Hart said. "To have a program in the state closer to us will be good for West River patients," he said.

The Great Physician Does House Calls

The Houston Chronicle features a story of a survey which shows people in Houston are more likely to turn to their Creator first for health issues before doctors.

Houston may have one of the world's great medical centers, but its residents are more apt to turn to religion for matters of health and well-being, according to a survey being released today.

Forty-three percent of Houstonians surveyed cited religious organizations and leaders as their No. 1 source of help. Only 21 percent cited doctors. It was the largest gap of any of the nine major cities surveyed.

It shouldn't be too surprising that we could turn to the Designer and Creator of all life for intervention in health matters. He even tells us to.

At the same time, He often chooses to work in more mundane ways, through doctors. The man who wrote one of the Gospels and the book of Acts, Luke, was himself a doctor.

Is Hillary Clinton Going to Remove the Image of Mother Teresa or not?

I keep checking the blogs, web and news reports, but I haven't seen any mention that Hillary Clinton HAS removed the image of Mother Teresa that she used in her little campaign video. Has she? Will she? Or, will she treat us as children that simple don't understand as she keeps on with what seems like a propaganda campaign?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Students Take Memorial Day, History Day Seriously

Examine sacrifices of past military heroes

COLLEGE PARK, Md., May 21, /Standard Newswire/ -- For many Americans Memorial Day is a three-day beach weekend. However, students across America are finding out the true meaning of Memorial Day through National History Day (NHD).

NHD is a year-long history education program culminating in an annual contest where over half a million students annually present projects in the form of documentaries, exhibits, performances and papers. More than a student competition, the program is an exciting academic experience that helps students learn about historical issues, ideas, people, and events. (Full Story)

House Speaker: Nancy Pelosi Looking in the Mirror of Reality


By Carrie K. Hutchens

I saw a brief clip of Pelosi saying she believed there could be a compromise over the proposed bill to fund the military. Then the next thing I see is a comment where she says that President Bush has a tin ear when it comes to Iraq. So, I can only conclude that she believes there can be compromise if she gets her way and things are done as she wants. That is the way she has come across to me since she became the Speaker of the House -- like a spoiled brat and school yard bully. "I will tell you how it is and that is how it will be!" is the attitude the pours from her, in my opinion. (Full Story)

Other Alleged Klaudt Victims?

KELO reports another girl is now reporting being molested by Ted Klaudt.

The article also mentions other girls who are reporting being abused by unnamed foster parents.

It's too early to tell whether this is genuine or just piling on, which sometimes happens in high-profile incidents.

Hopefully law enforcement will be able to sort through it all and see justice done.

South Dakota State's Attorney Dismisses Charges Against Pro-Life Advocate

Charges dismissed "in the best interest of justice"

RAPID CITY, S.D. — A pro-life advocate arrested for expressing his beliefs is no longer facing criminal charges. On May 16, a South Dakota state attorney Sarah E. Seljeskog dismissed the charges filed against 18-year-old Joey Cox, represented by an ADF-allied attorney. Cox had attempted to communicate a pro-life message on the campus of South Dakota School of Mines & Technology in Rapid City. (Full Story)

Memorial Day: Opportunity for Cowardice and Class Envy

Democrats never miss a chance to not only seek the emasculation of their own country, but to dirty the brave sacrifices of America's military servicemen with their own cowardice.

From NewsMax:

Presidential hopeful John Edwards said Monday that Americans should speak out against the war in Iraq this Memorial Day weekend, renewing an anti-war call that has been criticized by the leader of the American Legion.

They also can't pass up an opportunity to promote and exploit class envy:
Edwards also said that all young people should serve their country, "not just poor kids who get sent to war."

The last time I checked, the U.S. military was made up of volunteers. And while there are plenty of "poor kids" in the military, there are also plenty of middle class kids and not a few wealthy ones. I once served with a guy whose father was worth several billion dollars.

Why can't Democrats every just do something good for their country instead of trying to embarrass it and divide it?

Predictable Scientific Ostriches

Some of the other blogs in the South Dakota blogosphere have, predictably, expressed disagreement with the contention that the earth is only 6,000 to 10,000 years old. Because men who deny the existence of God and have letters after their names say it's 4.5 billion years old, that has to be true.

It apparently matters little that the things upon which these men base their theory that the earth is 4.5 billion years old have been scientifically proven to be error-prone and unreliable.

The geologic column is a construct based on conjecture; useful as a theory but not much more.

The rest is based on radiometric dating, which is completely unreliable. How can rocks that we know by observation in New Zealand are only a few decades old come back with readings of .27 to 3.5 million years old...and we still consider that reliable? The same with the 26 year old lava dome at Mount St. Helens, giving a reading of something like 2.8 million years? And many other samples around the earth give similar unreliable results. Also, the various dating methods scientists use to date rock usually disagree with one another; if they were scientifically sound, they should agree. Further, numerous C14 samples of organism that we know lived recently, yet return wildly inaccurate dates thousands of years old, and we consider this "scientific?"

Radiometric dating, like the geologic column, is based on a lot of assumptions. If any of those assumptions fall through, you get erroneous readings.

I can't prove the earth is 6,000 years old any more than atheistic scientists can prove it's 4.5 billion years old. But it is established scientific fact that the dating methods of these scientists are radically error prone.

And a study of the original language of the Bible reveals that when God said a "day" in Genesis, he was referring to a 24 hour period. It's true that God uses parables, symbolism and other linguistic devices in the Bible. But just as you would if your sweetheart wrote you a love letter, you have to read things according to what the words mean and read contextually (If he or she said, "It kills me to be without you" would you assume she was physically dying? Or if he said, "I'll see you in two days," would you assume he meant he'd see you in 2 million years--or even 2 weeks?). The Bible is no different.

And theologically, you cannot reconcile theoretically symbolic vast ages into the "days" in Genesis without completely undermining foundational elements of Christian theology. If these elements are wrong, then so be it. But there is no evidence they are, and they can't be made to agree with vast ages. When you understand them both, you have to believe one or the other; it's impossible to believe both.

It's understandable that many would believe in evolution and vast ages; after all, we've been spoon-fed this stuff for over 100 years by men who supposedly are "objective" and know what they're talking about.

But objective, intelligent men once told us you could drain a person's blood and cure illness. Objective, intelligent men once told us the earth was the center of the solar system. Objective, intelligent men once told us the earth was flat. Objective, scientific men told us there would be too many people on earth by the 21st Century. Objective, intelligent men told us 30 years ago that we were entering into a new Ice Age. Just because someone has an education and says they're objective doesn't mean their conclusions are correct...or that they're objective.

I once believed in evolution and vast ages. But when I took the time to examine the evidence on both sides, the evidence didn't support that contention. It was just a house of cards, with no strength or integrity. These theories contain far too many elements that are scientifically impossible (within the bounds of naturalism and materialism), and the evaluation methods themselves are far too flawed to render any meaningful conclusions.

To be ignorant is one thing. But to continue believing in a fatally flawed idea, simply because you don't want to examine evidence to the contrary, is like someone who refuses to get off a sinking ship.

Such intellectual and scientific obtuseness undermines ones credibility in a lot of areas.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Evolutionists Afraid Creation Museum Exposes Their Soft Underbelly

"Credible" creation presentation pierces armor of evolution "superiority"

By Bob Ellis
Dakota Voice

From the Dickson Herald comes another article on the new Creation Museum opening up in Kentucky by Answers in Genesis, titled "Creation Museum worries scientists."

I think what they mean here is that it worries scientists who believe in the scientifically untenable theory of evolution. I don't think it worries the scientists who believe what the Bible says about creation and believe that science agrees with that account. (Full Story)

More Laughs from the 1/2 Hour News Hour

I finally got around to watching last night's 1/2 Hour News Hour from Fox News channel.

I think my favorite segment was the "Road to Surrender Commemorative Plates" commercial featuring one of my favorite columnists, Dennis Prager. Some good lines from this hilarious (because of the truth in it) spoof:

"The day America calls it quits in Iraq will be a day we'll always want to remember. And now you can, thanks to the Road to Surrender commemorative plate series.

The Road to Surrender series is a magnificent collection of beautifully illustrated, signed and numbered hand-fired plates, elegantly commemorating each step on America's road to humiliating defeat in Iraq."

Some of the plates you'll receive:

November 17, 2005 Congressman John Murtha says "We should fight insurgents in Iraq using U.S. troops redeployed to Okinawa.

You'll also get September 5, 2006 Rosie O'Donnell makes her debut on The View. Rosie wants U.S. forces out of Iraq so they can go after our real enemy: America's church-goers.

You also get December 6, 2006. The Iraq Study Group's report which includes suggestions like 'See if Iran and Syria want to help.'

Just look at the detail in these plates. You can almost see the appeasement in their eyes.

Plus April 3, 2007, Nancy Pelosi travels to Syria and learns that their dictator, the man who ordered the assasination of Lebanon's prime minister, is really a man of peace.

And what surrender-series would be complete without April 19, 2007: the day Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced to the world that the war in Iraq was lost. What a proud day that was for America!

The Road to Surrender is a lasting tribute to American lack of resolve that will beautify your home for generations...presuming we're still here. "

The report on O.J. Simpson was pretty good, too:

"O.J. Simpson has decided not to sue the owner of a Kentucky restaurant who refused to serve him last week. However, he hasn't ruled out murdering the guy."

School Conducts Global Warming Carpet Bombing

The Canadian National Post has an article about Al Gore's environmental thriller "An Inconvenient Truth." The article says at least one student was shown the fantasy film in four different classes.

First it was his world history class. Then he saw it in his economics class. And his world issues class. And his environment class. In total, 18-year-old McKenzie, a Northern Ontario high schooler, says he has had the film An Inconvenient Truth shown to him by four different teachers this year.

You'd think after the nonstop media barrage of the last 10 years or so, everybody would be wearing white robes and chanting global warming mantras, yet the intelligensia feels the need to bombard students with Al Gore's global warming propaganda?

They must really be desperate to get kids to believe this stuff.

Jimmy Carter: Insulting His Way Out of a Hole

Somebody must have reminded Jimmy Carter this weekend of what conditions were like during his presidency.


Former President Jimmy Carter on Monday said his comments over the weekend about the Bush administration were “careless.”

Carter was quoted Saturday as saying “I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history.”

Jimmy Carter was undeniably the worst excuse for a president (including Bill Clinton): he emasculated the U.S. military, turned over the Panama Canal, humiliated us before far lesser enemies, stood impotent as the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, did nothing as our hostages were held by Iranian fanatics, presided over double-digit inflation and 7.7% unemployment and 20% interest rates and gas prices that were inflation-adjusted higher than today.

Carter must have been hoping we'd forgotten those little tidbits, and he could replace himself with Bush as the "worst president."

Bush isn't perfect, but he's a far cry from the miserable president Jimmy Carter was.

Stand in the Gap 2007 Men's Event Set for October 6

Event encourages men to pass along a legacy of spiritual faithfulness

WASHINGTON, May 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- The men of America are being invited to return to the grounds of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC, in less than six months on October 6, 2007 for a sacred gathering of men called Stand in the Gap 2007, it was announced today at the National Press Club.

"We are urging men to return, remember, renew and rebuild their commitment to God, their families, churches, neighborhoods, communities and the nation," said the event's principal organizer, Marty Granger, founder and president of Faith in the Family International. The emphasis of this event is to call generations of men together, with respect for all ages, races, ethnic groups, and denominations. (Full Story)

Warsaw Declaration Issued by World Congress of Families

Sets forth basic pro-family principles

May 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- At its closing session, the 3,000-plus delegates to World Congress of Families IV (Warsaw, May 11-13) endorsed the Warsaw Declaration - a pro-family credo for the 21st century.

With the family under attack in Europe, the United States and elsewhere, delegates felt the urgent need to set forth basic principles for the international pro-family movement. (Full Story)

What should be said to a 2007 graduate?

By Gordon Garnos

A BRIEF EXPLANATION: Our first grandchild is about to step on the stage to receive his high school diploma. Your grandmother and I are just one set of grandparents among thousands, maybe millions, of grandparents who will or have already witnessed that graduation of their first grandchild. This is a traumatic time in our lives as well as yours as we ask, "Where did all of those years go?" Today's column is a letter to Marshall, our grandson who lives with his mom, dad and brother in Michigan, but it could be addressed to any son, daughter, or grandchild about to commence his adult life. (Full Story)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Baby Emilio: Assistance Needed for Funeral Expenses

According to "F.R.I.D.A. , Feminist Response In Disability Activism" blog, Emilio's Mom needs help with burial expenses. The post entitled, "Emilio Gonzales Passes Away, Saturday, May 19, 2007"
(Sunday, May 20, 2007), says,
"Catarina Gonzales and her family need help to cover the funeral expenses. Her sister, Dora Gonzales, is receiving donations for assistance. Jerri Ward, Catarina's attorney, is accepting donations payable to Dora Gonzales, and these gifts can be sent to Dora in care of Jerri Ward, Garlo Ward, PC, 505 East Huntland Drive, Suite 335, Austin, TX 78752. Gifts should be earmarked for Emilio's burial.

Texas Right to Life will also forward donations for funeral expenses. Contact Elizabeth Graham, Director, Texas Right to Life, 713 299 4297 cell, or send checks marked for Emilio's burial to 6776 Southwest Freeway Suite 430 Houston, Tx 77074."

Sandra Day O'Connor Reminds Us Why It's Good She's Retired


Retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor says the Supreme Court should generally follow its prior rulings so the public has confidence that laws do not change just because justices come and go.

The Supreme Court should follow precedent like they did when they overruled existing laws against abortion in 1973?

The Supreme Court should follow precedent like they did when they overruled existing laws against sodomy in 2003?

The Supreme Court should follow precedent like they did when they said people were property (Dred Scott)?

These are just a few examples where following precident was stupid and at odds with the Constitution, or the court found reason to depart from following precedent (otherwise known as the judicial philosophy of "follow precedent except for when you don't").

This kind of doublespeak from O'Connor is just code language for "Liberals should be allowed to keep the legal victories they've gained so far." (Until such time as they can get even more, that is.)

O'Connor says following prior rulings would boost public confidence in the courts, specifically that "laws do not change just because justices come and go."

There's actually a much easier, much more sound, and much more reliable way of accomplishing this than some overweening devotion to stare decisis: it's looking at that the Constitution originally intended.

If you owned a business, how well would you like it and how well would your business function if your employees were allowed to redefine your instructions based on their own perceptions of their own "evolving needs?"

If you were a parent, how well would you like it and how well would your children develop if those children were allowed to redefine your rules and instructions to them based on how they perceived their own "changing needs?"

I think the answer to these two scenarios is obvious. The answer to the legal and Constitutional question is just as obvious; it only becomes clouded when our personal goals and desires are restrained by the Constitution.

There is an authorized and wise method for changing things about the Constitution that we don't like (and it was once used fairly often before liberals figured out they could get oligarchs in black robes to do it for them much easier and quicker). You pass a law with a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate and the ratification of 3/4 of the states.

That's the way it used to be done, and that's the way we should go back to. What we currently have is a majority of nine judges making law in this land, and that's not a representative democracy, but an oligarchy.

Poll Results: What’s the best way to succeed in Iraq?

The results of last week's Dakota Voice poll are in. "What’s the best way to succeed in Iraq?"

  • Beef up troop levels in Iraq 20.83%
  • Maintain troop levels in Iraq 4.17%
  • Be more aggressive in finding/eliminating terrorists/insurgents 10.42%
  • Reduce troop levels 6.25%
  • Pull out troops altogether 58.33%

It's good to know there are so many liberals reading Dakota Voice. Preaching to the choir isn't nearly as fulfilling as preaching to those who have not yet seen the light.

The new weekly poll is up, in the upper left corner of the blog: "What should be done to protect South Dakota legislative pages?"

Thanks to those who participated in the last poll.

Friends, Colleagues React to Klaudt Charges

The Argus Leader also has some reactions from legislators who know Klaudt, including some of his friends.

This is obviously going to be very difficult for people who were his friends and family, people who trusted him and thought they knew him.

While there remains the possibility that much of this could be false allegations, AG Long's affidavit lists evidence obtained and Klaudt's admissions of some of the key facts which make his guilt appear pretty solid.

Go and read the affidavit for yourself...if you have the stomach.

Examining the Legislative Page Program

The Argus Leader examines the legislative page program:

State Sen. Bob Gray said pages shouldn't be in the lawmakers' living quarters.

"In my mind, there is never a situation where that would be appropriate," Gray said.

But one thing also is clear: There is no written code of conduct forbidding pages from visiting or staying with lawmakers. Those are unwritten rules.

Maybe not for long.

Read the whole article here for more on what the rules currently are and aren't.

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