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Friday, December 30, 2005

S.D. high court rules spanking incident went overboard

Justice Judith Meierhenry said she agrees with the circuit judge’s determination that the mother went overboard in using a belt to spank her daughter, but the justice said the high court’s ruling provides little guidance on the amount of force a parent can legally use.“What appears to be unacceptable in this case is that (the) mother used a belt and hit the child six or seven times with a force that did not leave bruises but made the child uncomfortable,” Meierhenry wrote.
Too few children are getting spanked too few times these days, which is why you have so many kids running around getting in trouble with the law. When I was a kids, I got WAY more than a mere 6 licks with a belt when I royally messed up (and on occasion a switch was used), and it didn't bruise my pweshus wittul ego--it eventually taught me to obey what was right and to stay away from what was wrong.
It's been said many times but remains true, "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. (Proverbs 13:24).
If you don't care whether your child learns to live in a fashion that is positive and productive (both for himself and those who come in contact with him), then go ahead and let him do whatever he wants. Don't believe me: go ahead and look around at all the parents who are either too lazy or to busy trying to be Mr. Nice Guy or who just don't give a rip about their kids and don't discpline them...and I'll show you some miserable kids, and some miserable parents.
If you saw someone about to stick their hand in a meat grinder, you'd do whatever it took to stop them, right? If you saw someone about to stick their hand into a den of snakes, you'd do whatever it took to stop them, right? Well, undisciplined youth is about as bad, if not worse.
Children don't come born with a developed sense of morality--only a keen sense of selfishness. Their sense of morality and right and wrong has to be their parents. Sometimes, until they develop the discipline to control themselves, it takes a punishment that is very unpleasant for them to deter them from the things they shouldn't be doing.
Abuse is NEVER allowable; I used to be in law enforcement, and know up close how terrible abuse can be. The difference between abuse and discipline is that abuse is brutal and springs from hate and rage; discipline comes from loving the child enough to do what it takes to teach them the right way, and to keep them from a path that will result in misery and ruin.
This decision (which admits no mark was left on the child) will just make it harder for parents to do their job...and anyone who comes in contact with the children who go undisciplined will pay the price.

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