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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Adelstein Already Showing His Colors

Stan Adelstein, the winner of last night's Dist. 32 senate race, has already illustrated why he is a lousy choice to represent the good people of Dist. 32.

From the Rapid City Journal today:

Tom Katus said he visited Adelstein personally to congratulate him and urged him to reach out to all the voters in the district, include Schwiesow’s supporters.

“He didn’t appreciate that, he said they didn’t respond to him,” Katus said. “It’s part of what still wrong with this part of South Dakota, we’re still too polarized, we’re still one-party.”

Didn't take long, did it? Just a few hours, and the grandfatherly smile disappears and the fangs come out.

Contrast that with the ever-graceful Elli Schwiesow:
While the race has been flagged by the Secretary of State’s office for a possible recall, Schwiesow, a registered Republican, says she’s “at peace” with the results and she hasn’t yet decided yet whether she’ll press for a review of the vote.

How long do you think it'll be before the voters of Dist. 32 wake up to the truth that they've elected a bitter RINO whose greatest political attribute is his large wealth?


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