Early results are showing Proposition 8 ahead with 54 percent of the vote. However, some of the urban (i.e. more liberal) areas have yet to report in.
Proposition 8 would define marriage in the California constitution as between a man and a woman.
The people of California passed a Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 2000. However, the California Supreme Court in May 2008 ignored the law and the will of the people and manufactured a "right" for homosexuals to call their unions "marriage."
Florida also voted on a marriage protection amendment today. Reports indicate with 67% of the vote counted, the measure is on track for passage with 62% approval; Florida requires 60% for passage.
Arizona is the third state voting on a marriage protection amendment today. Early results look good for passage with 56 percent in favor at this point.
According to the Verde News, supporters of Arizona's amendment are attributing better success this year than they had in 2006 on the fact that they tried to also ban civil unions in 2006, where this measure only defines marriage itself. Homosexual activists succeeded in scaring heterosexuals in 2006 into believing they stood to lose something if they supported the marriage protection amendment that year.
If all three pass today, that will bring the total number of states with constitutional amendments protecting marriage to 30.
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Early Results Show California Proposition 8 Ahead
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Whoo hoo! Go Prop 8! I'm not about to have any liberal state like CA decide for me and my family how I'll raise my kids to see a family in any other way than one man and one wife. God decided the result of this one a long time ago, jump on board!
things will change
Go California, We have still to Take God as our guide in Life. My kids will be raised on an safe place. Great!!!!!
Go Prop 8.
Marriage is between women and men... not women & women... or men & men.
Marriage is not a right is a privilage given to good to create a family the way God commanded.
Also prop is not been discriminatin.
Its a belief in our religion and according to our constitution I have a right to chose my religion and my religion says no same sex marriage their for no law can force me to go against my religion is unconstitutional.
If your gay and u don't like it change religion.
God will judge the sodom and gomora of today.
James and Gabriela, I hope one or more of your children don't turn out ot be gay. I wouldn't want them to spend a lifetime of guilt and self-hatred due to the bigotry of their parents. Both of you are shortsighted, selfish, and narrow-minded. I hope your children aspire to be better people than their parents.
YES! God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!!
live your own lives, judge not lest ye be judged
live your own lives, judge not lest ye be judged
I say that all these people that are so against prop 8 should leave the gays ALONE!!! I myself am not gay and I have NO problem in the way of their life styles. All these people say things about God well listen to yourselves.....God will judge them and ONLY God so why the hell is America!! NO on prop 8!!!!!!
It is going to pass!!! With 25% of the precincts reporting it is winning with 55% or the vote. It will pass by 61% just like it did in 2000.
The 4 corrupt judges should have never overturned the vote. This vote sent a big message to them that democracy is what makes this country great!!!
P.S. Congrats to Obama!!!
it's not about religion. separation of church and state may i remind you. it's about rights. all men are created equal if i'm not mistaken. i'm not gay, but i have many gay friends here in CA. an i am truely sadden that Prop 8 has passed. the yes on 8 campaign waged a truly despicable campaign. churches wouldn't have lost their tax incentives. they also wouldn't have required to perform same sex marriages. and kids wouldn't have been forced to learn about gay marriage either. i'm just sad people didn't see the big picture and overcome their fears.
but we will keep fighting.
we have conquered the racist and sexist issues.
why not the gay issue?
love is love is love. Keep God and State separate as our forefathers intended. No on Prop 8.
Voting yes will not take anyone's rights away. Gays will still have the right to live together, call each other husband and wife if they want to, wear a wedding ring, say vows for personal reasons... As far as rights go, you can still list anyone you want as your emergency contact. And you can still share accounts and ownerships with anyone you want. Marriage first started as a RELIGIOUS practice, that made it ok for a man and a woman to lay in each other's beds and live together. and gays SAY that god accepts them, but there is not a SINGLE religious document on this planet that supports that claim. Not one! You have to deny a section of the bible and deny god and his word, in order to support gay marriage. And if I have to turn my back on religion and god in order to support something, then I really should not be supporting it. I KNOW I'm right, because I don't have to deny any part of the bible in order to THINK I am right, like gays do. That's how you know what the real truth is. Further more, Most people still believe that gay marriage is MORALLY WRONG, for religious reasons. They talk about violating people's right? Well what about OUR rights? Why should we be FORCED to accept something that we believe is morally wrong? That is a TERRIBLE concept, no matter what the subject is! YES ON 8!!!!!
All of these people that are so against prop 8. I say leave the gays ALONE! I myself am not gay, but have no problem with the way of their life style. You all say everything about God.....Well listen to yourself and read up people. ONLY God can judge!! So leave it alone and let him do his job why is America doing it? NO on prop 8!!!!!
What on earth is wrong with you people! If marriage is only to be defined by what God, then whose God is to be defined by? Should we only allow same-faith marriages? Should atheists not be allowed to get married? Why not just ban inter-racial marriages?
You are just as discriminatory and bigoted than any racist, sexist and xenaphobic person out there, and you use the 'veto-like cloud' of religion to justify your hate!
"I'm not about to have any liberal state like CA decide for me and my family how I'll raise my kids to see a family..."
Do you not see the dreadful irony in this statement? You are doing this very thing to those gay people who want to get married and share in a life together!
By God's grace! it is stated clearly in the Bible! homosexuality is wrong. an abomination.
Wow. For such God fearing people such as yourselves I would have thought you would have remembered two things. #1 The Golden Rule and #2 Oh, and what Jesus said "He who has not sinned then cast the first stone." If you think people are sinners for same sex marriage then take a look at your judgemental selves and stop casting any more stones.
P.S. I am straight but don't worry, I might just go to a park in your neighborhood and teach your children about unalienable rights and same sex marriage too!
If only it was so simple. We have a group of judges that made it a government issue, rather than allowing marriage to be a religious institution. If gays/lesbians want to signify a union call it a union, they don't need to have a religious term for it. But now that it is a government issue, allow the religions to define it since they created it. Don't try to impose some new age ideals on religions that have stood the test of time.
I never knew the law is suppose to discriminate against other individuals rights. Maybe then the law should change to be a civil union for everyone when it comes to a contract between two individuals recognized in court. If its the word thats the problem, then that should be changed. I was under the belief that law is suppose to be blind. Maybe the idea of separation between church and state is an old idea and should be stricken from the record books. Moreover, lets allow the states to control our speech evermoreso. I do believe "marriage" in the sens between man and a woman is traditionally correct but the law should not defining it especially premised on religious beliefs.
Your children will grow up to have eyes and ears of their own with the ability to make their own decisions. You can not stop this.
The harder you try to teach them hate the harder you will fall when they see how wrong you are.
No matter what you try to teach them, one day they will be adults and they will make their own decisions. Just as we just elected our first Black president, America will eventually see marriage between same sex partners. It all started with Mr Obama's speach thanking everyone including gays for their support.
On many many levels this speach was the kick off to a changing nation. AMERICA HAS SPOKEN AS A WHOLE! We the gays and lesbians of America are not going away and we will NOT give up until we see unity and equality. MARK MY WORDS.. CHANGE IS COMING.. if not sooner then later.. you will not win with your attemts at oppression. I only hope you still have the respect of your children after they see through your attempts at brain wash. You can not shelter them from change forever! Our time is coming and SO IS YOURS..
Marriage means CONTRACT!!!
To LadyDown2Earth24:
Read the First Amendment... I am sure it has got something to do with the seperation of Church and State. To say that gays are allowed to do everything but get married is outrageously cynical. The symbolic meaning of marriage far outweighs the issue of whether gay people can list eachother on their bank accounts! To deny them this act of love and togetherness is to deny what them the joy of participating in the full human experience.
You say that marriage started with religion, that it "made it ok for a man and a woman to lay in each other's beds and live together". Marriage, as a social system far outdates religion in its modern form. Your religion, assuming you are Christian, has its roots in about 3,000 BC... marriage, in the form of living together as a pair, far outdates this time period.
Why not make a distinction between religious marriages and civil marriages. That way, if your church does not want to marry two gay people, they do not have to. But if they want to get married at City Hall, they should not be stopped!
seriously, it's because of close-minded people like you that are holding our country back from reaching its full-potential... prop 8 has nothing to do with you or the way you choose to raise your children; it's not going to end homosexuality... marriage is a contract- who are you to take away an individual's right to be recognized by their state as "married." this is discrimination, no matter how you view it- it's just as bad as doing away with inter-racial marriages, or preventing people of different religions to marry- our constitution gives us freedom of choice- that includes the choice of who one marries.... get off your high-horses and show some tolerance...
What if your child is gay. When your teachings tell them there is something wrong with them what will that do to their development? I knew I was gay and could not tell a soul due to the way my parents and community thought. This is what your proposition tells the young people who are gay. (And people are gay ya know.) Let's hope that at some point we can all agree to disagree and stop hurting one another. Be well!
You all who think yes on prop 8 really do not have an open mind. Who is anybody to judge who I can and cannot marry? If I want to marry a woman then I will. Marriage is between two people who love each other, not just a man and a woman. People obviously are afraid of change in this world and that's why we have people like Obama, who will win the presidency, in office. That is why our country is falling apart. Boo the United states and their narrow minded thoughts. This country will fall apart and we have nothing but narrow minded, selfish and insecure individuals to blame for it. Good job, a president whose going to tax us to own off road vehicles, a president whose going to tax white people for something that happened YEARS ago and a law forbidding people to love one another. What happened to, "God bless AMERICA! Let "FREEDOM" ring!" I wish I had the money to get out of here, the Democracy of this country stinks on ice. I just cannot believe that there are so many selfish individuals here who like the idea of homosexuals not being human and a man who wants to tax people into bankruptcy. I will laugh at all of you when this country falls apart in the next 2 years of Obamas presidency. Good job on ruining us!
its a sad day in america when our country can finally admit that its not as raciest as we thought, but we are still way more homophobic then we would ever admit
Judges do not get to decide to overturn the voice of the people in a democratic government! I'm sorry but the judges caused this whole entire mess - and what they did was not legal! Voters voted in the amendment in 2000 and it was upheld as law - because we are a democracy. Then you get some liberal judges in the mix who think they can rewrite the laws that have been passed and in effect and you get a quagmire like what we are seeing with couples even being allowed to get married persumptively in the first place before the amendment was even voted on again - everyone knew that the day would come when those marriages could be anulled by the voice of the people - because there was never a law changed on the books to allow them to marry in the first place.
We as Americans have to stand up for our rights and not let the judges form laws from the bench! This is not how a Democracy is run!
If this passes again for a SECOND Time - it is law!
And everyone will have to abide by it - it will be the will of the people of California.
I agree strongly with Democracy, and that no one, or group of people should have overturned a decision, especially one with such a large impact on people and their lives. But I'm really curious about the harm in letting people marry, no matter what their orientation? I just don't understand why it matters. I don't remember ever learning about marriage at all in school, same sex, or straight... I think the driving force behind the campaigns that I've seen is false information appearing real, or FEAR and that's the opposite of love, which also opposes any god I've ever heard of. I think to bring God into matters of intellect is silly, I don't think that is the purpose of my God. I think unity and love, and altruism, those are the things that matter, not who can call who "husband", or "wife".
To the people of the Gay and Lesbian community I submit my condolences to the fact that Prop 8 may pass. This is a christian country and unfortunately the evangelist right control a lot of votes. Religion should not be apart of law. We are a modern, compassionate people who should band together to uphold civil rights and liberties for all man.
Hey Matthew (11/04/08 11:03pm),
Race - Genetic identity.
Sex - Genetic identity.
Homosexual lifestyle - choice based on subjective emotions and whim.
When will you people get off the innate sexual orientation thing? Stop believing your own lies.
Ignorance in this case is nothing more than a mere annoyance. Separation from the the church and state. I'm not homosexual myself, but I do have homosexual friends and professors, and many of them wish to make public declaration of their love. They want legal, social, and economic stability; the formation of a family unit.
I voted no on prop 8.
if God judges, why should we judge who can marry? if you want to teach your child that homosexuality is wrong based on your beliefs, that's fine. that is your right. but you cannot take away the rights of homosexuals. they should be able to decide how they want to live. atheists get married. do you want to ban them since marriage is a religious act? wouldn't an atheist marriage be blasphemy under your rules.
wow! Its amazing how many little Nazis and clansmen live in this state and have such a disgusting opinion of others different from themselves!! Having always been a part of a Christian religion, its revolting how many so-called "Christians" want to hate and pass judgement and embody the reason so many people reject organized religion. All of you feeling the need to take away other's rights are truely a sign of just how ignorant and evil some people can be. Furthermore, any of you who are minorities and have been discriminated against, are even more guilty of hipocracy and being our societies downfall!
Oh, so raised by a man and a woman?
Then outlaw divorce.
Sorry some kids parents die before they are grown, guess they wont be real people either.
That is so sad you cant recognize love.
They say God is love. And yet here you are denouncing the one you should be standing up for.
No on 8.
Yes on banning discrimination.
how about everyone against prop 8 drops their BS arguments. Gays have the same LEGAL rights as anyone else. they have domestic partnership and can legally run their lives as a married couple. so why should the rest of the population be forced to recognize them as married? Voting no on prop 8 is no longer about tolerance (the "do what you want behind closed doors" scenario), its about FORCING everyone else to ACCEPT gay marriage whether they believe in it religiously/morally or not. And don't lie about the whole "our kids won't be taught it in school" thing, thats BS and you all know it. I for one, will move out of this country before I let my child attend a public school that will teach her that boys can marry boys. I have gay friends too, and what they do behind closed doors is their business, and they shouldn't try to make the rest of us accept their way of life. YES ON PROP 8!
Gay couples already have exactly the same rights under a civil union as heterosexual couples under marriage do. There is ABSOLUTELY NO violations of fundamental rights. The only thing that is really being contested is the definition of marriage, which is defined as being "the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc." according to dictionary.com. Find any English dictionary, it will tell you something similar. The goal of the gay community seems to be changing the very definition of marriage in order to make them feel as a married couple would. Voting yes or no would have no effect on rights, but rather the ego of the gay community. They think their cause is above the sanctity of the English language and, indeed, traditional American ceremonies.
I personally have no problems with gay people, and I am not religious, but it seems that misconceptions are running rampant when it comes to how prop 8 supporters are portrayed. I hope people are not too bent out of shape over this proposition. Have no fear; your rights are still exactly as they were.
David, 17, CA
you are all close-minded idiots, ever heard of seperation between church and state?? you can't use "God" in your arguments, and who are you to tell somebody who they can or cannot love?? this isn't about teaching this in schools, even if it was, what kind of third, fourth, or even fifth grader is thinking about getting married. Are gay people really hurting you?? Honestly, all they want to do is be happy, by them being happy are you losing anything?? Just answer this, if you have kids and they grow up to be gay, will you love them?? or will you try to change who they are?? by you voting yes you are saying yes you will not love your kids, i feel sorry for them, having such lousy parents, maybe you people shouldn't have kids
And discrimination lives on…. God makes people differently and people fear and cower in corners like scared animals. People choose to live their lives and abide by the law so long as it fits their narrow-minded ideals. The law SHOULD BE reason free from passion. Passion can cloud the mind and make people impulsive. Religion can intensify this passion and make a person ignore those truths that are so fundamental – beliefs written into our Constitution. The differences in each person’s moral makeup are a personal choice and should be kept at that level.
Keep in mind - At one point, America banned marriage between two people of different colors. Would you have voted to keep that institution in place? How can one speak out in such a loud and proud voice when it has little to no sympathy behind it! Why don’t people use their heads? God gave us hearts and minds to use respectfully. To promote intolerance seems counter intuitive in this regard. If people don't have love and compassion in their hearts then what sets them apart from robots, programmed to do everything one book or person tells them to do? People should try and be empathetic with the plights that don't concern them specifically lest they continue to wallow in selfishness and egomania.
For those traditional marriage advocates: If you really want your kids to turn out "proper", maybe show them that being different is good and that it inspires imagination, kindness and tolerance. How hateful and ignorant can one person be in a time when we as American must work together with those we share the planet with? Why can’t we be a beacon of generosity and compassion to the other nations, to show them, by our actions, the reasoning behind the nationalistic pride we assert every day?
I’m just shocked at the results. Considering that California voted like I did on every other issue, it severely saddens me to know that on one of the most important issues, we still beg to differ. I only hope that as a country, we can help Obama make some amazing changes, even if not everything goes the way I want.
SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Get real. If your church doesn't support gay marriage, then your church can decide whether or not it wants to recognize gay marriages. Otherwise, mind your own business. Get a clue. Separate-but-equal is SO 1950s...
I do not and have never hated gay people any more than I would hate heterosexuals who live together without marriage. My brother is gay and I love him as much as I love my hetero siblings (6 siblings). The most friendliest and funnest neighbors I ever had were a gay couple who I ate with and laughed with. I desire and wish happiness and success to any and all heterosexuals and homosexuals. But I will forever support and defend the societal recognition of man/woman marriage alone as has been established by all societys (even atheist nations such as Russia) since the beginning of man. If you are gay, I am your friend and fellowman but I will forever defend the sanctity of man/woman marriage has always been the best the foundation for family that involves children. Bob.
What a sad and pathetic blog. The Yes on 8 voters are buying into the propaganda that they have enforced upon the masses. Showing commercials of students being 'forced' to watch a gay marriage happen. HELLO!!!!!! PARENTS have to sign a waiver for any reason their child leaves the school grounds, not forced, it's a signed waiver. If you do not want your children to witness a marriage, then don't sign it! It will be taught in schools as much as frogs are purple are being pushed. If you buy into the spoonfuls of crap the politicians cook up then you deserve to stand in front of your God and tell him you judged against his word. You can't call it a sin while committing a sin at the same time. Get back in your church, get off the soap box and quit preaching YOUR version of what God has said. No on prop 8! It's not your business, it's not your right to judge!
It is a matter of time before equality reaches this part of our citizens. The harder you resist civil rights for all the stronger and more defined these freedoms sweep. It is not an american ideal to marginilize and treat one class of citizens differently from another. Just like other laws to curb freedoms such as equal treatment of women and minorities in the past have been won with much effort so will equality for sexual oriention also pass. As it has done in South Africa. Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Canada and more and more societies agree that it is about tolerating each others freedoms and rights. You don't have to agree you just have to tolerate. Your children and the generations to come will show you this. Don't be afraid of progress for progress in civil rights will only make us a better society.
For those of you who are YES on Prop 8:
You are a bunch of idiots who hide behind religion as your reason for backing PROP 8. You say it takes away YOUR rights. Tell me, WHAT EXACTLY is the RIGHT that will be TAKEN FROM YOU? Just as YOU have FREEDOM of RELIGION. All people (and by the way I AM A FIRM BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST let me make THAT clear- I also know that I AM A JUDGE OF NO ONE ONLY GOD IS) DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE SAME RELIGION. So, if MY religion says it's ok for my husband to have 6 WIVES. Can I force upon your husband to MARRY MORE WOMEN? Are you seriously stupid? You DO HAVE THE RIGHT to believe in your religion and YOUR GOD but you DO NOT have the right TO IMPOSE YOUR BELIEFS ON OTHERS. Get a life- if you're really a Christian- then learn to love others and judge no one. I could go on, but I have a feeling you don't have the mental capacity to get it.
This is in memory of our God our religion, our peace, our freedom and our children.
marriage between a man and a woman was established since the beginning of times , God declared it and if anyone has a problem with that go and take it up with Him.
People, we cannot overlook the fact that our voice was disregarded when the majority of the people voted in 2000 against same sex marriages and how the judges had blatantly overruled what the "People" had voted. Do you realize that this wonderful democratic system that this nation was founded on, was being threatened? If judges could overturn what the people's wishes were, what would be next?
As for the comments about hate and judgement, those are just absurd. No one is hating the gays by a Yes on 8 vote! People are quick to say that we are being judgemental because we are quoting what the Bible says regarding marriage. We are not being judgemental, we are just holding fast to our beliefs. Are we supposed to live as a tolerant society and accept those things which the Bible clearly says is wrong? Now whose rights are being violated here? Same sex marriage is already going on in Mass. and yes it is being taught in schools, and there was even a father arrested because he wanted parent notification before that cirriculum was to be taught so they could opt out of that teaching. Why is it so important to be classified as married, when they have already been given Domestic partnership status which entitles them to a lot of the same benefits as a married couple?
When it comes to judgement, God is going to judge alright. It is not us that is doing the judging here. Being that we know that we are all sinners, it is safe to say that we hate the "sin" but we can and do love the sinner! We are all called to love eachother so let's work on that.
let the gays have the right to get a divorce too, since most marriages fail in divorce anyway. Why not let them feel the sting of alimony! the gays dont know how good they have it.
besides, there is no such thing as GOD so all those claims can go right out the window.
Don't throw dictionary meanings regarding marriage as your arguement out. WHy? Because you posted ONLY ONE defintion when there are about 15. Not all of them, not even a third of them use "religious" in their definitions. ALL of them use the word "contract." That is what marriage is.
To everyone else that is Yes on Prop 8, I am straight, my father was not. But if people were a little more tolerant in Ca, he still may be alive today.
Also, I don't think homosexuals should donate any more of their money to ANY religious institutions or any company involved with any state or fed institutions. Including museums, parks, etc. See how close minded people feel about that.
People talk about this nation.... Let me ask you, did you forget that this nation was founded on Godly principles? This is the time to stand up for those principles and it is extremely crucial. The moral decline of our society is evident. Sex is all over the place trying to desenitize people. This is why there is such a strong push to recognize gays in the same way as hetrosexuals. They are now attempting to target our children starting in Kindergarten. They know that if they start there, the views of those who opposed it will become something of the past as kids grow up not seeing any problem with same sex couples. The sad part about it is that we have been a blessed nation because our religious freedom and our open declaration to mention God and people are trying to forget that. They are trying to remove God completely out of this nation. This is a sad thing but just a matter of time.
God does warn us that good will be called evil and evil will be called good in the end times. Folks.....we are starting those times and if you don't believe me read God's word for yourselves. Whether or not you believe in God, there will be consquences after we die. I pray that those who don't know God, open your eyes to see why the majority of the people think that this is wrong. For those professing to know God but believe in tolerance, I pray that you stop tyring to change God to what you want Him to be and recognize Him as the God that he has and always will be.....Holy and Righteous!!!
We, as a God fearing nation need to hold fast to those values that founded this country and not worry about what those who do not live under God's principles are saying about us being intolerant. We are to fear God and not man.
Wake up people before it is too late!!!!!
How many of you that say "Yes to Prop 8" actually researched what it means? Reason being, it is becoming more and more evident that your arguments are based on Propaganda. Prop 8 ADDS 14 lines to the California constitution. "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
Basically, if the vote went toward no then NOTHING would change.
I feel sorry for you using your children as an argument. Does this mean you are never going to explain to your children that everyone is equal and that they are going to go through life being biggoted and/or just plain ignorant? WOW!!! I am more and more impressed with my mother and her ability to teach me when apparently some parents are going backwards in time.
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