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Saturday, December 01, 2007

UFAs: Unidentified Flying Aliens

Control of our southern border is only part of the formula in getting a handle on illegal immigration.

From NewsMax:

While America continues to pour tax money into walling off the Mexican border, fully half of illegal aliens come into the U.S. by other routes -- many simply arrive via commercial jets, according to immigration authorities.

Expired student and tourist visas, phony marriages, unchecked container ships and the porous Canadian border to the north all contribute as much to illegal immigration as Mexican border jumpers, experts say.

That’s especially true for those who mean us harm. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 12 known al-Qaida operatives — including two conspirators in the first World Trade Center attack and four of the 9/11 terrorists — simply flew into the United States and were waved through customs on student or tourist visas. The terrorists later violated their visas by staying past the expiration date -- a practice that is not uncommon.

In fact, the Pew Hispanic Center estimated in 2006 that almost half of unauthorized immigrants, or up to 45 per cent, entered the U.S. with various kinds of visas allowing them to stay for a set periods of between 90 days and two years – and simply did not leave.

So for all of Huckabee's tough-guy bluster about what a border control tough-guy he is (look at his record, for a reality-check), all of the much-needed enforcement along the Mexican border isn't going to do the job by itself.

It'll also take finding illegal aliens and sending them home when we do, not providing incentives for them to come here by the millions.

And if it takes more money for a fence, more border guards, and more INS personnel, so be it. We waste billions every year on tons of things that aren't even authorized by the constitution; surely we can spend some on something that is: defending our sovereignty.


yo e said...

they spend so much on other thing like taking music and art from our schools-we can definately spend some for a fence-

if you have immigration questions click here

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