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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, November 28, 2007

FactCheck: Huckabee Misrepresenting Record on Taxes has an analysis of the war of words between Mike Huckabee and the Club for Growth regarding Huckabee's tax record. He's an excerpt of what they determined:

Huckabee claimed that a speech in which he implored the state Legislature to raise taxes was in response to a state Supreme Court order to increase education funding. But he specifically said in that speech that he would address the education matter at a later date.

He said a tax on beds filled in nursing homes was a "fee" not a tax, despite the fact that he himself has called it the "bed tax."

Huckabee claimed a gasoline tax was only passed after 80 percent of voters approved it. Not true. The tax was enacted before a referendum vote on highway repairs.

He frequently says he cut taxes "almost 94 times" but leaves out the 21 taxes raised during his tenure. In the end, he presided over a net tax increase. found that some of Fred Thompsons criticism of Huckabee was exaggerated, but I didn't see anything that undermined the Club for Growth's claims.

Read the whole analysis here.

HT to Tax Hike Mike.


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