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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do Endorsements Make the Man?

I don't think I'd make too much of it, but it does give one pause.

A blog called The Technology Liberation Front has a post about some of Mike Huckabee's endorsers.

Though I haven't been following Huckabee's rhetoric closely enough to know (I have more substantive reasons for opposing Huckabee for the Republican nomination), Adam Thierer at this blog says Huckabee has been "playing up endorsements" from Chuck Norris, Ted Nugent and wrestler Rick Flair.

I do know that Norris has endorsed Huckabee quite strongly. From what I recall (I've never been a huge Chuck Norris fan), while some of his movies were fairly violent, I don't think they were all that bad. And I believe Chuck has become a Christian in recent years; he certainly gives a Christian testimony in his column.

As for Nugent, while I've been known to enjoy the screaming guitar in Cat Scratch Fever and some other numbers in my wilder days, it's undeniable that at least a few of Nugent's lyrics are definitely "mature," to say the least. He seems to be a conservative in some areas, primarily in the area of gun rights, but I don't think I'd want my kids hanging out at his house.

And this wrestler Rick Flair...well, though wrestling is as fake as a $6 bill, I think I'd still classify it firmly in the category of "social rot." Not so much for the fake violence, but for all the hollering, yelling, bravado, insults and disrespectful behavior the industry exhibits and engenders in our youth.

So make what you will of this. As I said before, I have much more substantive reasons for not riding the Huckabee Express: weak on crime, weak on illegal immigration, and big on government.

Ultimately, people who endorse you is less important than who you endorse. If Huckabee is playing up these endorsements, that might mean a certain degree of reciprocal endorsement, but again I don't know whether he has or not.

But it's something to think about...


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