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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

16 Year Old Escaped Abortion

From, Donna Joy is celebrating her 16th birthday. This is nice enough for most people, but if her mother had listened to the "experts," she would have been aborted at 7 months.

In 1991 Doctors recommended that Donna Joy be killed by partial birth abortion, because a scan had found five major brain disorders. In the worst of these, most of her brain had formed outside her skull, a condition called Holoprosencephaly, or HPE. They said that Donna would be born completely blind, deaf, with no face, no ability to move limbs, suck or swallow. Despite these dire predictions, Donna Joy has grown to be a pretty, happy and active young girl who suffers only cerebral palsy and peripheral blindness.

Lori Vance told reporters she would have been glad to give birth to Donna Joy, even if she were only to live "for a few minutes-to give her some dignity, wrap her up in a pretty blanket. Say 'I love you' and let her go."

Doctors aren't always right, as this incident shows. And even if children are born with severe disabilities, or don't live long, we should leave life and death in the hands of the Author of Life, not our flawed human wisdom.

Donna Joy's disabilities are certainly not a picnic, but they're better than being dead. Thousands if not millions of people around the world live happy, productive lives despite disabilities. I'm reminded of Gianna Jessen, who spoke in Rapid City last year. Gianna was born with cerebral palsy because her mother tried to abort her...but the abortion failed. What a vivacious, life-filled young woman!

Jane Chastain's 2003 column, which also tells how Senator Barbara Boxer ejected her from the Senate when partial birth abortion was being debated, also points out the medical inconsistency of partial birth abortion:
Lori, now a practical nurse, knew this didn't ring true. How could killing a helpless baby, delivered feet first with only the head remaining in the birth canal, help a mother? If a vaginal delivery was impractical, why not deliver this child by Caesarean section? After all, one of Lori's older children had been delivered in this manner.

Everyone has heard that a breach birth (feet first) is the most dangerous way a baby can be delivered...yet this is DELIBERATELY induced for a partial birth abortion, just so the abortionist can murder the child with a few inches of the baby's skull remaining inside the mother, so they can say it wasn't fully "born" yet. What a difference a few inches make between "murder" and "a choice."

Choose life, the superior choice!


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