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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mother of 'Baby Grace' Told Police She Tortured, Beat Daughter to Death, Court Documents Show

According to Fox News...

Mother of 'Baby Grace' Told Police She Tortured, Beat Daughter to Death, Court Documents Show

Last Edited: Tuesday, 27 Nov 2007, 11:43 PM CST
Created: Tuesday, 27 Nov 2007, 9:43 AM CST

11/27/2007 --

Authorities are trying to determine if the 2-year-old dubbed "Baby Grace" after her body was found in Galveston Bay was repeatedly abused by her mother and stepfather, an investigator said Tuesday.

A woman believed to be the mother of the girl told police she and the girl's stepfather beat and tortured the child to death, court documents show. The girl, believed to be Riley Ann Sawyers, was found by a fisherman in a plastic box Oct. 29, but her identity was unknown for weeks.

The report goes on to say...

"The girl was beaten with leather belts, had her head held underwater in a bathtub and then was thrown across a room, her head slamming into a tile floor, the mother said in the document. She said they kept the body in a storage shed for one to two months before they put it in a plastic bin and dumped it into Galveston Bay.

An autopsy revealed that Riley suffered three skull fractures, but the cause of death has not been determined."

(Full report)
How could a mother do this (or allow it to be done) to her own child?


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