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Saturday, December 01, 2007

Protecting Law Breakers

Time for Rudy's smacking on illegal aliens.

From NewsMax:

In Wednesday night's Republican debate, Giuliani and nomination rival Mitt Romney traded accusations of being soft on illegal immigration, and Giuliani took pains to deny that New York was a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants during his tenure as mayor.

While New York has never used the designation, it offers protections _ allowing illegal immigrants to report crimes, send kids to school or seek medical treatment without fear of being reported _ similar to those in cities that label themselves sanctuary cities.

Children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants already are American citizens, and Giuliani said he would not try to change that.

If we give illegal aliens a pass for things like reporting crimes, does that mean that someone should be able to report that their stash of meth was stolen without being prosecuted for having a meth stash? Incidentally, they don't play around in Mexico--if they find out you're in their country illegally, you're gone.

On the subject of citizenship by birth, in the past it has made sense that children born here in the United States are automatically citizens. But given the millions of new people who abuse this every year with "anchor babies," it's time to amend this. Changing the citizenship-by-birth requirement to specify that the parents have to be in the United States LEGALLY at the time of the child's birth would make sense, and would pretty much wipe our "anchor baby" abuse.

Like Huckabee, Giuliani's another one who's not committed to securing our borders and enforcing our laws. Not acceptable for a Republican candidate.


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