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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mass. Liberals Need a Good Spanking

According to the Boston Herald, the People's Republic of Massachusetts is considering banning spanking

Parents who spank their kids - even in their own homes - would be slapped by the long arm of the law under an Arlington nurse’s proposal to make Massachusetts the first state in the nation to outlaw corporal punishment.

Kathleen Wolf’s proposed legislation will be debated at a State House hearing tomorrow morning.

My parents gave me plenty of spankings, and I wasn't crushed for life. It built character, along with respect for authority and for right and wrong. My kids, being my genetic progeny, are also acquainted with spanking.

Me, I'll stick with the Bible. God invented people and knows what's best for them at all stages of development. "Time outs" are ineffective and inappropriate when dealing with defiance and rebellion. Just as God disciplines those He loves, He tells parents to do the same.


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