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Friday, November 30, 2007

China's Pattern of Hostility

From Fox News:

China denied a third U.S. Navy ship the ability to port in Hong Kong harbor at the same time that the USS Kitty Hawk was denied portage the day before Thanksgiving, a senior Defense Department official tells FOX News.

China denied the frigate the USS Reuben James permission to enter and port at Hong Kong harbor for New Year's Eve. The Reuben James had placed its request with Beijing back in October, according to the official, who was speaking on background. This is the third such incident disclosed in the past week and is adding to strained U.S.-Sino relations.

The incident involving the Kitty Hawk forced the ship to turn around, stranding hundreds of Navy families who had flown in to celebrate Thanksgiving with their family members aboard the ship.

Remember a few years ago when a Chinese fighter rammed one of our recon planes, forcing it to land in China? Remember that the communist Chinese commandeered the plane and crew, held the crew for nearly two weeks, then returned our plane all chopped up?

China made $288 billion off of us last year, while only importing $55 billion from us. They have a heck of a way to show their gratitude, don't they. Might be time to do what sane people do when it comes to trading with hostile countries: cut it off.

The article also says Japan is backing us up, which is appreciated.


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