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Thursday, November 29, 2007

South Dakota Has Some of the Lousiest Nursing Homes

I'm sure Todd will be proud of this news from KELO:

A recent report on the quality of nursing homes in this country shows two South Dakota homes receiving a poor mark.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services listed the Aberdeen Healthcare Center in Aberdeen and the Bennett County Hospital and Nursing Home in Martin as two of the nation's poorest performing nursing homes.

I guess South Dakota really is loathe-worthy.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if people would look at the real problem..the ratio of patients to nurses,then nursing homes would not be failing as bad as they are. 30 patients to 1 nurse..and those patients are going to get quality care? If administration would stop concentrating on keeping their budgets as low as possible so they can get their yearly bonuses..nursing homes would have what they need to take care of the patients!
Nursing homes are being set up for failure..and the nurses are fighting back!

Bob Ellis said...

I think you're right, Anonymous.

My mother is a nurse in a nursing home in another state. While some of the employees where she works are the kind that are just there for a paycheck and that's it, most of them really care about the patients. But Mom tells me what you said: they are fantastically under-staffed...yet there always seems to be money to keep upper managment cushy.

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