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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Huckabee and the Reagan Legacy

Yesterday, Investors Business Daily featured an editorial on "21st Century Reaganism" which had this to say about Mike Huckabee:

Yet most of the GOP presidential hopefuls have refused to act as across-the-board Reaganites. There would be nothing, for instance, to stop a one-time Southern Baptist minister from claiming the mantle of Reaganism. But erstwhile man of the cloth and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, whose appeal among evangelicals has raised him to within striking distance in Iowa, has continually attacked the Club for Growth, a major champion of conservative economic policies, as the "Club for Greed."

Calling capitalists Scrooges is straight out of the liberal Democratic playbook. A more helpful retort from Huckabee would be to address the Club's concerns about his approving an income-tax surcharge in Little Rock.

Former Sen. Fred Thompson, on the other hand, has managed to gain the endorsement of the National Right to Life Committee (a key stamp of approval from social conservatives) while at the same time espousing the boldest of economic solutions on both Social Security and tax reform.

The editorial appears to be pro-Fred Thompson, but echos what I have seen and heard about Huckabee from several quarters.

The economic engine of this great nation was built on private enterprise. We should encourage morality and ethics in the business world as in any facet of life. But bashing the free market and hinting strongly at more government meddling in privately owned businesses sounds more like Marxist Democrats than someone who wants to claim the mantle of Ronald Reagan.

HT to Tax Hike Mike.


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