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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Street Should Stay Hooker

I'm afraid I have to side with the Rapid City Journal on this one.

The Rev. David Baer is out to save the town of Whitewood’s honor from the shame of a street named Hooker.

Baer, a Lutheran pastor in the small northern Hills town, asked the Whitewood city council to rename the street that honors the Civil War general, Joseph Hooker. Baer finds it offensive because of the word’s connotation with prostitution.

Rev. Baer isn't the first person to get upset over a word which can have two meanings...and I believe liberals have a longer track record of this.

The mature person can make the distinction, here. Granted, mature people are in short supply these days, but unless public safety is involved, we shouldn't be tailoring our governmental decisions for the benefits of the doofuses among us.

Rev. Baer, while probably well-intentioned, just needs to deal with it. It's not a big deal. There are far more pressing problems in our society right now than a street named after a general that also might make someone think of a prostitute.

Let's deal with real moral decay and not sweat the small stuff.


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