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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ark Journal: Huckabee Supported Licenses for Illegals

According to the Arkansas Journal, in addition to supporting special tuition rates for illegals, and a questioned deal on a Mexican consulate in Little Rock, Mike Huckabee supported a bill that weakened restrictions against allowing illegals to get drivers license, paving the way for illegal aliens to get drivers licenses (something even many liberals pounded Hillary Clinton for supporting--except for when she didn't support it).

From the Arkansas Journal:

Mike Huckabee's Human Services Liaison expressed the governor's position, supporting the measure to repeal the law denying the issuance of drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. In 2001, there was discussion of HB 2212 in the state assembly to repeal a 1997 Arkansas law prohibiting issuance of driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Proponents said the bill was necessary because legal immigrants were getting harassed when they went to get drivers licenses. Huckabee's Human Services liaison defended the bill, saying the following:

"People shouldn't be harassed based on who they are or what they look like," said [Robert] Trevino, who also is Gov. Mike Huckabee's human services liaison. "We just don't want to be treated as second class. We don't have a problem with prohibiting illegal aliens from getting driver's licenses. We have a problem with hassling those who are here legitimately." (Michael Rowett, "Bill Aims To Help Immigrants Get Driver's Licenses," Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 3/18/01)

So the alternative then is to not ask any questions and just let illegals get drivers licenses? So the alternative is that it's better to allow people who broke our laws to get into this country to get a legal document--which opens them up to a wealth of privileges--rather than offend someone?

We shouldn't offend someone unnecessarily. But we don't need to throw common sense out the door, either. If I was in Germany and Germany had millions of Americans pouring across their borders illegally every year, I would consider it natural and reasonable to be asked to prove that I was in their country legally, from time to time.

I believe this AGAIN proves that Mike Huckabee has a problem making the tough calls. From his theologically distorted view on "grace and law" to his advocacy of releasing a convicted rapist (who raped again and murdered a woman after being released) to being soft on immigration...Huckabee seems afraid to call wrong "wrong." After all, that might hurt someone's feelings.

The world is far, far too dangerous, both at home and abroad, to have someone in the White House who can't deal firmly and decisively with sin and crime.


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