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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christians Have 'Kick Me' Sign on Their Backs

From OneNewsNow, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, points out that those who support Rudy Giuliani because, though he is pro-abortion, he promises to appoint originalist judges, are staking their support on a "hollow promise."

"The fact that we had Ronald Reagan, who was a very pro-life president -- he didn't necessarily get it right on the court; he made a bad appointment," he points out. "The first George Bush [was] marginally pro-life; he made a bad appointment to the court. And even this president, George Bush -- I would say arguably the most pro-life president that we've had -- he would have gotten it wrong on the court and not have appointed [Samuel] Alito had conservatives gone along with Harriett Myers. So these are hollow promises."

Perkins is absolutely right. Pro-life Christians don't need to support Giuliani on this nebulous hope, thus proving what many already suspect: American Christians walk around with a "KICK ME" sign taped to their backs.


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