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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Expect Climate Fear-Mongering to Get Worse

From Tom Harris at the Canada Free Press, another "flat-earther" who for some reason won't put fantasy before facts:

The case for anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming (AGW) is getting weaker and weaker, not “stronger and stronger and stronger” as Dr. John Stone of the IPCC’s Working Group II told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation earlier this month. To date, no convincing evidence for AGW has been discovered. And recent global climate behaviour is not consistent with AGW model predictions. Mean global temperature has not again reached the high it did in 1998 (an El Nino year) and it has been stable for the last 6 years despite an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration of by 4% since 1998. Global temperature has not increased since 1998 because, while the northern hemisphere has warmed, the southern hemisphere has cooled. Global warming was supposed to actually be global, not hemispheric.

I read an article somewhere (Christian Science Monitor?) yesterday about archaeologists studying ancient Nordic settlements in Greenland. It looks like the Vikings had built communities in Greenland, but had to leave when it got too cold. Could that possibly mean that it was once warmer on Earth than it is now?
Nothing is constant in nature: everything changes all the time. And the Earth must have warmed or cooled over the past 100 years if its temperature were not constant over this period. The modest warming that has happened during the last century is well within natural climate variability that has occurred previously. Recent warming could easily be a completely natural recovery from the Little Ice Age that is similar to the recovery from the Dark Age cool period to the Medieval Warm Period. Indeed, all observed current global climate changes are within the range of natural climate variations that are known to have happened in recent millennia.


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