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Friday, November 30, 2007

Whitewashing the AIDS Epidemic

Robert Knight asks in his column a few questions that seem to get "overlooked" by the "mainstream" media during the discussion of AIDS.

Here are a few in particular that he mentions that, especially since my tax dollars are being used for this illness that you pretty much only get through extra-marital sexual contact and drug use, I'd really like coherent answers to:

• Why is the onus on potential victims to take personal responsibility for having “safe sex” instead of the people who are already infected with HIV/AIDS, as is the case with other medical epidemics?

• Why are health officials in major cities like Washington, D.C., Chicago and San Francisco allowing the reopening of gay bathhouses, which facilitate the promiscuous sex that fuels the epidemic?

• With CDC statistics showing that HIV/AIDS in the United States is still astronomically higher among men who have sex with men (MSM), why are AIDS officials getting away with saying all Americans are equally at risk?


Anonymous said...

HIV is the only virus that I know of that has been granted rights and privileges by virtue of the hosts in whom it resides.

If similar deference had been given to polio, small pox and roseola virues, the human population would be a fraction of what it is today.

Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed to know anyone from the Dakotas could think as selfishly and hatefully as the author of this post and the commentator.

Bob Ellis said...

What is selfish or hateful about this post, Anonymous?

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