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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Wiliam Bennett

Author William Bennett was the first speaker of the second day of the Family Research Council's Washington Briefing today.

Bennett had many kind words for Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Bennett said he would not criticize the situation with Sarah Palin's daughter. He said many people have had children who walked off the right path, and hopefully through love they return.

He did say that they made the right decision to give life to this child conceived in less than ideal circumstances, and for these young people to get married. But we must remain committed to working against the situation which led to this and try to prevent teen sex and teen pregnancy.

Bennett had hard words or Barack Obama. He said that when Obama was asked about evil in a recent interview, while he mentioned Darfur, he seems to see more evil in his own country than the evil America often fights abroad.

Bennett said that despite Obama's assertion that "We all put our country first," that is not true. Bennett said that some like Obama's friend Bill Ayers definitely do not put America first. Bennett said Obama was far too ambivalent about our country to become it's president. Bennett received a long and loud standing ovation to this.

Bennett said that while McCain has some criticisms of his country, he has no deep ambivalence about it. Bennett said McCain was not of two minds about his country, and is "his country's man."


PJ said...

In running the sleaziest campaign since South Carolina in 2000 and standing by completely debunked lies on national television, it’s clear that John McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose an election.

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