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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Joe Gibbs

NFL Hall of Famer Joe Gibbs was the next to address the Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C.
Gibbs said two amoeba didn't come together to create life; a loving God knits people together in the womb.
Gibbs said that when he became a parent, he realized what it was to put someone before himself.  He couldn't imagine sacrificing his son for himself or anything else.  Yet God allowed his one and only son to die for us.  He said we all have a "head coach" who cares for us.
He said it took a while, but after fame and success came to him, it eventually dawned on him that family--specifically the work his wife did as a mother in their home--was more important than all the work he was doing. He said when it's all said and done, the work he and his wife do in influencing them and others for values is all that will matter and endure.  
He said in the game of life, you either choose to be on God's team, or you choose to play against Him forever.
Gibbs said if you don't follow the game plan, the game doesn't go well.  And God is the one with the game plan.  He said accepting Jesus Christ as savior should affect everything we do and every decision we make. 
"Every decision we need to make is in that [Bible] book," Gibbs said.
"Can you point to a specific time and place in your life when you asked Christ to come into your life as your personal savior," he asked. Gibbs invited people at the Summit, if there was any question at all, to get clear on their spiritual condition and destiny today.
Gibb's faith is apparently very real and very important to him.  This kind of sincerity is commendable, but especially in someone from a culture where fame and success are usually more important than anything. 


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