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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Homosexual Film Maker: Gay Sex a "Sewer" of Degredation

I've been saying for a long time that homosexuality is not only immoral, but a very unhealthy practice. It is fraught with disease, substance abuse, depression, suicide and domestic violence, among other things.

But now LifeSiteNews reports Simon Fanshawe, a British writer and broadcaster, has created a documentary called "The Trouble With Gay Men" after he became alarmed by the state of homosexual culture.

Among the things Fanshawe says:

"We're hooked on vanity, and regard older men with contempt. Despite AIDS we're still chasing the ultimate sexual high and what's more are determined to wreck ourselves on designer drugs. We're happy to assist the straight world in keeping alive the image of all gay men as limp-wristed queens."

Gay men, he says, are so "hardwired" towards finding casual sexual encounters, some going as far as plastic implants to enhance their appearance, that finding genuine intimacy is "practically impossible."

"Vast amounts of our leisure time are organised around sex, straight or gay. But what gay men have done is organise our identity around sex. And that is corrosive. And to make things worse, promiscuity has become the norm."

The documentarian asks the proprietor of a gay sex bath house, "Paul", who had just related some graphic stories of group sexual encounters in the establishment, "Are we just swimming around in a sewer which we're just sort of saying is normal?"

The homosexual sex itself isn't the only danger:
"Unsafe" sex, he says, is not the only way in which gay men are self destructive. "If there's a new drug, gay men will find it and take it," he states.

Society is being terribly irresponsible in not only condoning this lifestyle, but celebrating it and legitimizing it.

There is no love involved in allowing fellow human beings to degrade themselves so.


Anonymous said...

From the same source cited in this piece we find these additional comments:

"Paul [a bath house proprietor] was adamant and forthright in his belief that the gay lifestyle is incompatible with happiness and fidelity in human relations... 'The temptation of other things will always stand in the way of two gay men having a long-term, loving, caring relationship.'

"One in nine gay men in London is HIV infected and new cases of HIV have doubled in the city in five years. Incidences of syphilis have increased in the same time period 616 per cent.

"'Unsafe' sex, he says, is not the only way in which gay men are self destructive. 'If there's a new drug, gay men will find it and take it,' he states."

One homosexual man who admits heavy use of drugs "said that crystal meth is preferred in the gay community because it reduces the inhibitions and allows sex to be brought to an 'animalistic' level 'devoid of emotion.'"

Bob Ellis has been writing about the risks and dangers in the homosexual lifestyle for some time, making the point that to condone and encourage such behavior goes far beyond "tolerance" to reckless disregard for the well-being of another person; not a Christian, or even a humane attitude.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how sane, rational, and useful gay activists become when they say something you already agree with.

But when they say something you don't agree with, they're just a bunch of crazy, misinformed liars.

Just a humble observation.

The Poetry of Barry G. Wick said...

I don't know what gay people any of you know, but the ones I know don't do drugs at all...and most don't drink either. Quit washing all gay people with the drug habits of a few.
But then heterosexuals like Bob Ellis invented sleazy ways of convincing everybody how masculine and glorious beating women and subjugating them is.

Anonymous said...

Please note the quotation marks in my earlier comment.

"...the ones I know don't do drugs at all...and most don't drink either."

What do they serve at gay bars? Milk and lemonade?

If there is only a small number of homosexuals giving the impression that most homosexuals are hedonistic, promiscuous, drug and alcohol abusers, disease ridden, flaming in-your-face narcissists then why don't the others take up the cause to discourage the behavior that leads to such misperception? There are photos on the web that document the activities at the Folsum Street Festival and the Up Your Alley Festival in San Francisco that belie your protests to the contrary.

The Poetry of Barry G. Wick said...

And there aren't any pictures of blatant heterosexuality, hedonistic heterosexuality, heterosexual drug abuse...amazing that all the meth is only a homosexual problem in places like Iowa and Missouri...huh? Gay folk know the truth...heterosexual drug dealers and manufacturers are spreading an evil, family killing, heterosexual inspired culture of destruction and death around the world...and if a few gay people pick up drugs it's only because they have no other images other than heterosexual images inspired by a heterosexist press and media...and it's full of drugs. And where are all these gay bars in South Dakota? Nope, nice try, heterosexuals control the drug business in an effort to support their expanding and failing families...have to feed all those mouths so why not convince others to destroy that good, Christian families can survive. Drug abuse...did you forget to drink your sacramental wine today??? You start this violence against your own families at a very young age...then you destroy families by moving parents all over the map to find jobs and support their ever-expanding brood of unwanted babies. If there is drug abuse in the gay community, you only have your prescription, pill-popping, heterosexist lifestyle to blame. And as for hedonism...any Fourth of July parade in nothing but heterosexist, jingoistic hedonism. And there are thousands of them filled with big breasted, cheerleading, baton twirlers coaxing your young innocent boys into a lifestyle of hedonistic, materialistic, spiritless nonsense.
Take responsibility for your own problems and quit trying to blame others for your failings.

Anonymous said...

You actually make a couple of valid points, Mr. Wick, but then lose control in your rant about "ever-expanding brood of unwanted babies," "jingoistic hedonism," and "big breasted, cheerleading, baton twirlers."

You'll get no argument from me about hedonism, drug-abuse and spiritlessness among heteros as well as homos, but to compare a highschool homecoming parade to the revolting activities of many homosexual public festivals is absurd.

I have been active for several years in decrying the evils of abortion, pornography, materialism and others signs of the general collapse of decorum and spirituality in society, irrespective of sexual orientation. It is inaccurate and unfair to assume that because I have taken a position on homosexuallity and some of the evil that seems to be part and parcel to the life-style, that I am not equally concerned about evil elsewhere is society.

Anonymous said...
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