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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs of CNN was the first featured speaker.
Dobbs said he once thought Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, needed to "come around. However, he said the more he thought about it, the more he realized those vaues Perkins espoused were important, and it was HE who needed to come around. So he did. 
He asked those present at the summit not to let his friends in the liberal media know this, however. :-)
Dobbs said the family was important not only within the issues of abortion and homosexual "marriage," but in economic issues as well.  He said many of the forces that work against the family are financial.  He asked those present to be diligent to address these issues as well, and extend morality to economic issues also. 
"Our government has been failing us for some decades now," said Dobbs.  He said he believed the greatest problem facing us today is the loss of democracy, and the loss of the rule of the majority. 
He said it is being suspended by $3 billion in lobbying money being spent in D.C. every year.  Dobbs said "this town" is dominated by corporate interests and special interests, and the voice of the people is being drowned out by these interests. 
Dobbs said the nomination of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is one of the most extreme illustrations of media bias.  He said she had been savaged by the figures in the media.  Dobbs took particular exception to the reprehensible behavior of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann.
Dobbs encouraged those present to continue defending traditional values with energy and gusto.


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