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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CBS Refuses to Endorse Conservative Candidates

Apparently CBS is cool with slamming sexism if the object of the sexism is a liberal feminist...but not if the object of the sexism is a conservative Republican woman.

The Politico says CBS has whined about it, so the ad was taken off YouTube.

The ad included a clip of Katie Couric:

“One of the great lessons of that campaign is the continued and accepted role of sexism in American life," Couric is quoted in the ad.

In the original clip, she was talking about Hillary Clinton; the ad applies her words to Sarah Palin.

So the statement wouldn't also apply to the vicious, unrelenting way the Left has gone after Sarah Palin?

Another interesting point here:
Asked about the ad, CBS spokeswoman Leigh Farris said, "CBS News does not endorse any candidate in the Presidential race. Any use of CBS personnel in political advertising that suggests the contrary is misleading."

This would seem to imply that Katie's statement endorsed Hillary Clinton, if they're saying Couric was talking about Clinton.

Would it be more appropriate, then, to say: "CBS News does not endorse any conservative candidate in the Presidential race. Any use of CBS personnel in political advertising that suggests the contrary is misleading"?


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