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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Michael Medved

Radio talk show host and columnist Michael Medved was the first speaker of the afternoon at the Family Research Council's 2008 Washington Briefing.
Medved aggressively and humorously took on two pervasive myths about conservatives: that conservatives hate women and sex.
Getting beyond the initial and obvious dichotomy here, Medved pointed out that most adult conservatives are married, and most of them are having sex. As an illustration, he pointed to the number of children Alaska Governor Sarah Palin had.
Meved also said that it wasn't "beyond our pay grade" for most of us to understand that abortion is wrong.
He also pointed out that it was an incredible thing for government to endorse a fundamental change in marriage. 
Medved said liberals try to divide the conservative base by trying to incite differences, such as when they disparaged Sarah Palin's faith and her church.  Medved pointed out that he is Jewish and is very proud of his faith.  He said there is only one place in the world where the McCain-Palin ticket is more favored than the United States, and that is in Israel.  He said it doesn't matter whether you are Jewish or Christian, but what matters is worldview--do you understand that there is such a thing as evil in the world, and that it must be confronted and defeated.
He said a more Christian America is a good thing because it is good for Jews and good for values. 
Medved said Palin has turned around the smears that conservatives hate women and sex. 
He said people of values are united in going out to do what's right for this greatest nation on God's green earth.
Another great speech!


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