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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, September 13, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Sean Hannity

TV and radio talk show host Sean Hannity thrilled the crowd at the Family Research Council Washington Briefing this morning.

Sean said it was great to see so many good Americans there, clinging to their guns and Bibles.

Hannity said Barack Obama's brother lives on less than $1 a month in Africa, and since Barack Obama says we are our brother's keeper, he will send Obama's brother $1000 if Obama will give him his brother's address. Hannity said he would send Obama's brother $10,000 if Barack Obama would come on his show.

Hannity said we would look back on 2008 as the year journalism died. Hannity was referring to the Apollo-like speech given by Barack Obama at the DNC convention in Denver, and the total lack of media accountability.

He quoted other sources as saying the media is trying to rig this election and use their influence to get Obama elected.

Hannity said we heard more about the DUI of Todd Palin, Sarah Palin's husband, 22 years ago than we heard about Barack Obama's admission of snorting cocaine around that same time.

Hannity also mentioned Bill Ayers and his bombing of the U.S. Capitol, Pentagon and other buildings, and the fact that Obama is friends with him...and the fact that the media is very quiet on this topic.

He said that while Obama's wife Michelle has only recently been proud of her country for the first time, Hannity has long found cause to be proud of America for fighting back socialism across the world, for fighting communism, for fighting other despots like Saddam Hussein.

Hannity asked why Obama went to the Million Man March of Louis Farrakhan,why Obama opposed a bill that would have ended the killing of infants born alive after attempts to abort them, and why Michelle Obama thinks America is a mean country.

Hannity mentioned the Charlie Gibson interview with Sarah Palin and how he tried to nail her on her quote about asking prayer for our soldiers in Iraq--and that Gibson misquoted her on that during the interview.

Hannity said he will be interviewing Palin next Tuesday.

Hannity also pointed out, like Newt Gingrich yesterday, that asking for God's protection and blessing on our troops is in keeping with the best traditions of American leaders--even liberal Democrat presidents of the past.

Apparently Democrats have also set up an "anonymous tip line" to take complaints on Governor Sarah Palin. I guess there is no solid answer to the question about Democrats: How low can they go?

Hannity asked: Can anyone name three accomplishments that qualify Barack Obama for president of the United States?

Admitting the Republican Party has made mistakes and spent way too much money, Hannity said the party is emerging a new party, and it is evidenced by Governor Bobby Jindal and his leadership during the recent hurricane and the Republican behavior during the hurricane.

Hannity called on the Republican party to be the party of national security, opposing appeasement, reining in growth of government, energy independence, free market solutions to health care, solve the Social Security/Medicare bankruptcy, and stand for traditional values for the benefit of our children.

Hannity closed by saying we don't just cling to our guns and religion; we humbly thank God for allowing us to live in the single greatest country in the world.


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