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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Abortion: Between a Woman and Her Webcam

Abortion supporters lift up the "doctor-patient relationship" as something sacred which should not be violated by silly things like "informed consent" and other laws. It is also used to lend an air of credibility and legitimacy to the procedure of abortion.

Yet we have known for some time that the much-touted abortion "doctor-patient relationship" is a farce in South Dakota. Most women don't see their "doctor" until a few minutes prior to their abortion, and some are already under anesthesia before the doctor shows up.

And after the abortion, women are quickly shuffled out the door and on their own.

Well, according to Iowa Right to Life, this "doctor-patient relationship" is getting to be even more of a joke when it comes to abortions.

It seems Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa is now doing to do abortions by webcam. And you don't even need an appointment!

From the Iowa Right to Life press release:

Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa is now offering no appointment, walk-in abortions at its clinics without a physician on site. How will they do this? By offering dangerous RU 486 chemical abortions at all of their locations, with a Des Moines-based abortionist consulting by webcam.

The press release also says PP won't exactly be following recommended "medical" procedure with this, either.
Planned Parenthood does not follow FDA Protocol for RU 486. Planned Parenthood gives women a cheaper combination of the pills in an RU 486 abortion, against the recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration, which makes these abortions more profitable for the abortion group and more dangerous for women.

Planned Parenthood gives women a single RU 486 pill, instead of three recommended by the FDA, then ups the dosage of the less expensive prostaglandin, Misoprostol, which expels the baby.

Planned Parenthood also cuts back the number of appointments the FDA recommends for an RU 486 abortion from three to two, which also increases Planned Parenthood’s profits by reducing office and staffing expenses.

For an organization which claims to care about women, and is already making $1 billion ($337 million of it from you, the taxpayer), they certainly seem to be concerned with cutting corners.

And if something goes wrong with this chemical abortion? The woman is apparently on her own--again.

The facade of "caring" from the abortion industry really is pretty thin, and getting thinner all the time.

It's really about turning a profit at the expense of women and the lives of their children.


Michael Bain said...

And the sick get sicker.

Anonymous said...

If a doctor does a hernia repair and there are subsequent complications, it is his/her responsibility to take care of the patient or refer to someone who can. Failure to take responsibility for the care of the patient is called 'abandonment' and is actionable in most states.

In Planned Parenthood abortions women are told to go to an emergency room for any complications or problems and calls from the ER doc to PP are met with annoyed bewilderment and insistence that they can not care for any abortion complications and that we should "just call whoever is on-call" for gynecology issues. This would not be acceptable in any other field of medicine, yet abortionists have been getting away with abandoning their patients for years (after they have been paid up front for their services).

Christina Dunigan said...

Paradoxically, this might actually lead to the women having MORE contact with the doctor than they'd ordinarily have. Here, at least in theory, each is getting a consult with the doctor, which is more than a typical abortion patient gets. The evidence I've seen indicates that the typical abortionist doesn't even glance at the patient's chart before wading in with his canula.

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