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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sarah and Trig Spawn Liberal Venom

I haven't seen the kind of venom and furious attack which has come against Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin since the Clarence Thomas hearings.

That was a long time ago, but I remember the full-court press that not only Democrats in the Senate made against Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court, but that of the "mainstream" media. People you might otherwise have thought would be pleased to see a black man succeed by being appointed to the nation's highest court were instead seething with rage, and would promote the most wild, extreme rumors against him.

I doubted anything could ever top that...until the Left found out about Sarah Palin's nomination. And it was a replay: the same people you might expect to rejoice that a woman was nominated for the vice presidency were incensed.

Why such an inferno of loathing and rage from the Left?

Mona Charen may just have the answer in her column.

I wonder if it was that baby.

Sarah Palin is no ordinary pro-lifer. She is an attractive, intelligent, ambitious, successful woman who has actually lived her convictions. Told that the baby she was carrying would be handicapped with Down syndrome, she and her husband made the only decision their consciences would permit -- to welcome this child with the same love they would give to any other. That decision is comparatively rare in America. Fully 80 percent of parents who receive a diagnosis of Down syndrome in their unborn children elect to abort. But it's not unusual at all among committed pro-lifers. I have met many in the course of speaking to pro-life audiences. And for every couple that has chosen life for a handicapped child, there are thousands and perhaps millions more who have abjured prenatal testing because under no circumstances would they abort their children. I cannot count the times I've amazed pro-choice people with the news that there are even waiting lists of couples who stand ready to adopt Down syndrome babies.

Charen has a very good point.

Think about it: the Left has a great deal of animus toward children in the first place. The throw around condoms like candy at a parade. They look down their nose at disgust at anyone who has more than one or two children. And of course, the Left stands ever ready to defend the sacred right to kill a child in the mother's womb.

And for someone to give birth to and raise a less-than-perfect child? One with Down syndrome? When somewhere north of 70-80% of people abort Down syndrome children?

Unthinkable! Unthinkable that Palin would be so pro-life as to have and love such a child.

Sarah Palin's love for Trig and the value she sees in this little boy offends them deeply.

Perhaps more than that, it indicts them deeply.

Her value of her child and love for him, especially under the circumstances, exposes their own shallowness at defending the abortion of children simply because "I don't want it."

The Left is all about escaping moral judgments. Want to tick off a liberal? Make a moral judgment about something.

By the very fact of Trig's existence and his mother's love for him, they indict the selfishness of the Left, and their advocacy of murder.

They would never admit it...but their consciences forces them to know it, deep down. But rather than respond to the tugging of conscience to make appropriate change, they get angry; anger is, after all, the best way to avoid the tugging of conscience.

And they vent that anger at the object which spawned the troublesome conviction of conscience: Sarah Palin.

As Charen concludes:
And there stands Sarah, Trig Palin in her arms, a beautiful ambassador for the path of humility, duty, honor, and grace. It's no wonder she was in their crosshairs from the get go.



Anonymous said...

This blog suggests to put words into the mouths of liberals as dishonest speculating "Why do they hate Sarah Palin". "Perhaps they hate she could love a child with Down's syndrome" Perhaps, etc you are dishonest.
Perhaps rather, I am happy that Palin has convictions and made her "choice" - Perhaps I detest that Sarah Palin's agenda is to ensure that women have no such choice to make. Perhaps I also think that she is exploiting this baby and her daughter for political reasons in a very divisive culture war that takes peoples minds off the failed policies of this administration.

Bob Ellis said...

You detest that Palin's agenda might be to ensure women don't have the choice to kill their children. Okay.

As for the "divisive" culture war, it was the Left that declared war on American culture, the family and normality. And, of course, the Left faults those who love American culture and the family for having the audacity to defend such things.

Let's just be clear on that.

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