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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly, head of Eagle Forum and pro-family pioneer, addressed the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit this morning.
She said we have just come off a couple of nominating campaigns where both sides think they have nominated the next president.
Schlafly said the platform the party comes up with is a kind of flag, and it is something we can use to hold our public officials accountable.
She spoke of the 1976 Republican platform and how it was the first clear pro-family platform, calling for victory in the battle against communism and defense of the family.  She said this platform paid off "big time" four years later when we elected conservative Ronald Reagan.
Schlafly said the next platform did not back off, standing against ERA, protection of human life, homosexual rights, and so on. 
Fast-forward to 2008, she said, and she is happy to report that the latest platform is a basis for conservatives to rebuild the Republican Party. 
She said the 2008 platform calls for a Western Hemisphere with sovereign nations that have secure borders.
This platform also supports English as our official language; she says it is an essential, unifying force.
Schlafly said the new platform calls for building our border fence, deporting criminal aliens, refusing drivers licenses and other benefits to illegal aliens, denying funds to "sanctuary cities," and prosecuting businesses that knowingly hire illegal aliens.
It also rejects the U.N. Treaty on Women and the U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child.
The platform calls for aggressive drilling to building up our energy reserves, and building nuclear power plants.
She said the pro-life plank remains intact and even becomes the most pro-life ever, embracing the ban on partial birth abortion, and the Born Alive Protection Act. 
In comparing the Republican platform to the Democrats, the Democrat platform affirms the right of women to abort their children. It also promises to lift President Bush's ban on embryonic stem cell research. 
Schlafly also said the Democrat platform toadies to the extreme liberal feminist element.  It calls for ratification of the U.N. Treaty on Women, and the Violence Against Women Act, which she said is a mechanism for support for feminist organizations. 
She said the Democrat platform calls for recognizing same-sex couples as fully legitimate and extending all benefits available to married couples to homosexual couples.  It also calls for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)--which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. 
Meanwhile, the Republican platform calls for a Federal Marriage Amendment recognizing marriage as being between one man and one woman. 
It also seeks to protect against judicial activism on the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer in schools, the Boy Scouts, and other intrusions on our religious freedom.
It also calls for educational choice and reprimands public schools for invasive student surveys. 
She said the Democrat platform intends to fund a global war on poverty and other extremely expensive programs which would spend huge amounts of money not only here in America but around the world.
She said the 2008 Republican platform is the most conservative, pro-life and pro-family platform ever.  She said this happened because of the long-range planning and hard work of people in Eagle Forum and the Family Research Council who worked as a team in Minnesota.
Schlafly said God has blessed America more than any other nation in the world, and it is up to us to retain that heritage.
Schlafly's speech was energetic, strong and very clear--all the qualities we've come to expect from solid conservatives!


The Poetry of Barry G. Wick said...

And just why couldn't Schlafly stop her son from being gay? Just like Republicans to want to control the lives of others and deny human rights and the benefits of government to their own citizens
and yes, even her children. It's no imposition on your religious rights...your religious right doesn't include a right to veto government benefits to other citizens.

Bob Ellis said...

Why couldn't my parents stop me from living several years as a promiscuous,foul-mouthed drunk?

Because I chose to disregard what they taught me and do things my way. Eventually I found out it was a dead end street of destruction, and that God really was smarter than I was.

It will be harder for people to come to the realization of this truth if society pretends it doesn't exist.

And government should not confer benefits to people who have contributed nothing useful to society to earn those benefits

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