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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Stephen Baldwin

Actor Stephen Baldwin spoke at the Family Research Council's Washington Briefing and said he is one of the last people he would have ever thought would be seen at this podium. 
He said that when he became a Christian, he challenged God, and that was "really stupid."  He said he told God that he skydives and all sorts of crazy stuff, and that walking with God wasn't more exciting than the life he already knew, he and the Lord would have a problem.  Baldwin clarified: "This was early on in my walk with the Lord." 
Baldwin said the best way to ensure a good future is to make more Christians. 
Baldwin said he has been in some "pretty naughty films" in his time, and what he's come to understand about the media culture (movies, TV, internet porn, video games, etc.) is that the majority of what it does is evil. 
"What are we fighting for," asked Baldwin.  He said our culture is being terrorized by these things, and he is sick of it.  He says that a lot of the films he has been in he would now classify as "BC" (or "Before Christ").  Many of the messages being transmitted through the media is making "quantum leaps" in evil. 
Baldwin said he is trying to make a difference in the Hollywood culture, but he needs some help.  He says we are simply not doing enough.  Baldwin says his calling is to preach this message to the younger generation.
He said he had a 15 year old boy come up to him after speaking recently, and the young man sincerely said he would do everything he could to get the foul show "Gossip Girl" off the air.  Baldwin encouraged him, telling the young man to go read his Bible and he'll find that sometimes it just takes one person to affect change.


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