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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lampstand Project Launches for South Dakota Pro-Life Measure

The Lampstand Coalition is kicking off an effort in support of the pro-life bill Initiated Measure 11.

The Lampstand Project is holding a press conference in Sioux Falls this morning and another in Rapid City tomorrow.

The name comes from Revelation 2‐3 where Jesus gave very direct exhortations to seven “Lampstand” churches in Asia Minor. Though there were many churches spread across Asia minor by that time, seven of them were among the most influential in the Roman Empire.

The Lampstand Coalition Ministerial Advisers come from many denominations and communities across South Dakota:

Pastors Jeff & Mary Anderson - First Assembly of God, Rapid City
Rev. George W. Sagissor III - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls
Pastor Gabriel Medicine Eagle – Shekinah Glory Chapel, Ideal
The Reverend Timothy Fountain – Rector, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Sioux Falls
Pastor Jon Sanders – Flandreau Bible Church, Flandreau
Pastor Randy Klynsma – Trinity Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Bridgewater
Pastor Steve Ferguson – Family Worship Center, Watertown
Pastor Steve Hickey – Church at the Gate, Sioux Falls
Pastor Gary McCubbin - First Presbyterian Church/Kadoka, & Belvidere Community Church/& Okaton Ev. Free Church
Pastor Wes Labrier – Union Center Baptist Church, Union Center

The Lampstand Project is calling on the more than 1,600 churches of South Dakota to affirm human life created in the image of God. Most of these already do in some way or another, but it is time for all the churches who bear the name of Christ to stand with God and against the darkness and death promoted by the world. A letter has gone out to these 1,600 church, inviting them to this work.

Those familiar with the history of slavery and abolition in the United States know of the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was an informal network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th century slaves in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists who were sympathetic to their cause. These safe houses along the route to freedom were identified by LANTERNS. The lantern was the symbol marking that house as a gateway to freedom. The Lampstand Project similarly identifies a church as a gate to life.

It is time for the 1,600+ churches of South Dakota to come down squarely in favor of God-given life. The Church no longer has the luxury of standing idly in the shadows; indeed, it has done so for far too long, and allowed too much darkness to encroach on the people of our world.

The Lampstand Project is sounding the shofar for the churches of South Dakota to step up and use their resources and influence to protect the most innocent of human life from the slaughter currently being perpetrated. After all, Christ said "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"

What if we do sit on the sidelines and do nothing, letting others do the work? Christ said, "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'"

How will it be for us in the day of judgment if we refused to protect "the least of us," and in doing so, refused to protect those God cherishes?

The Lampstand Project is calling on the churches of South Dakota to join the Lampstand Coalition and make this covenant:

We affirm the Bible’s concern for women and “the least of these” – which includes the most vulnerable in our midst – namely the unborn.

We affirm that God can fully redeem unfortunate circumstances and that abortion is unnecessary in part because the church is a significant part of God’s provision to women and children in crisis.

Scripture calls this “pure religion.” (James 1:27) Therefore, our affirmations go beyond words and include specific actions and commitments to women and children, born and unborn:

- We agree to lovingly come alongside every woman and child God leads our way, providing, to the extent of our ability, tangible support – food, shelter, counsel, and as necessary, referrals to crisis pregnancy centers throughout our state.

- We agree to sound a clear trumpet call from the pulpit encouraging our congregation to support Initiated Measure 11, and provide Vote Yes materials to our people.

- We agree to aggressively encourage our congregation to volunteer in the Vote Yes efforts in our community.

- We agree to take a special offering and/or send designated funds to Vote Yes, and encourage our people to give over and above on their own to Vote Yes.

- We agree to prominently display the LAMPSTAND CHURCH emblem and or signage at our facility/property at least through Election Day, November 4, 2008.

Churches can and should contact for more information on how to join the Lampstand Coalition and stand for life and for their God as our opportunity to make the greatest stand comes on November 4 at the ballot box.

Churches can be involved in ballot initiatives without risking their tax exempt status. The Alliance Defense Fund has stated they will protect any church operating within the bounds of the law and the constitution on this issue.

In 2006, Gary McCaleb of the ADF visited pastors in communities across South Dakota to give them this message:

McCaleb told a filled room of 60 Black Hills area pastors and church leaders, “What they are saying is that you can lose your tax exemption as a church if you speak out on the abortion ban, or the gambling issue if it comes up, or in favor of marriage. I’ve come up from tell you very directly that this is absolutely inaccurate, wrong, false information. If you speak out even directly from your pulpit and tell your people to vote in favor of the marriage amendment, or vote in favor of the abortion ban, that is not going to put your tax exemption at risk.”

McCaleb also said churches may use an “insubstantial portion of your ministry resources to directly lobby on legislative matters like these [marriage and abortion] laws.” He said this is at least 5% of the total ministry value (not just the church budget, but the value of volunteer labor, and all the things that go into the ministry) on direct lobbying; this can involve buying yard signs, advertising, holding public rallies and such to encourage others to support legislation. McCaleb said some courts have said it is permissible to go up to 15-20%, but he advised 5% as a completely safe figure. Churches can also financially support the work of groups like the South Dakota Family Policy Council, and others, as long as reporting procedures are followed.

McCaleb said, “If anybody tells you differently, find out what they are quoting and give me a call. I guarantee you they are wrong. They are spreading misinformation. They are trying to silence the church.”

If a church is acting within what is allowed by law, but a complaint is filed against them for violating the tax code, McCaleb said the Alliance Defense Fund would help defend them at no cost. He said they exist to support Christians doing their work in defense of the Gospel.

A long time ago, a simple choice was put before the people of God:

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

Today, that same simple choice remains before us; there is no other option.

If God's people will not take a stand for the truth, for the protection of innocent human life, who will?


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