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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, September 13, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Alan Sears

Alan Sears, President of the Alliance Defense Fund, was the last speaker of the morning session of the second day of the Family Research Council's Washington Briefing in D.C. today.

The ADF has a record of winning 3 of every 4 cases they work on.

Sears told the story of a couple who started a group for their school called "Praying Parents." This group met together for quite some time until the ACLU filed a lawsuit against them for using school facilities to pray, thus violating an imaginary wall of separation between church and state.

Sears said the war on religious freedom in America began with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), when it took on the responsibility for deciding who deserves civil liberties and who does not.

He said that after many years of relentless and successful assault on religious freedom by the ACLU, something is finally starting to change. They are starting to lose.

After the ADF was formed in the early to mid 1990s, a group of ministry leaders including Dr. James Dobson, Bill Bright, D. James Kennedy and others came together to form a plan to defend the religious freedom of Christian Americans from the ACLU's attacks. ADF has been tremendously successful despite being only a fraction of the size of the ACLU.

Sears said that the ACLU is mounting a new and aggressive campaign, but rather than defending the territory they've already gained, they're going after middle-America where so far they have made few inroads.

Sears also told the values voters about the upcoming ADF "Pulpit Freedom Sunday" on September 28. This is an initiative to take back the constitutional freedom taken away when a tax law was quietly submitted by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson and passed by congress which for the first time in American history muzzled America's pastors.

Sears said that if the IRS attempts to pursue pastors who speak out for or against political candidates on a moral basis on September 28, they will sue the IRS.

It's about time we asserted our God-given liberties and went on the offensive to defend and regain them in America!!! We've surrendered the gifts of liberty from God on the altar of government power for far too long. God bless the ADF!


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