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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

At the Values Voter Summit 208

The Family Research Council Washington Briefing is just starting.
There have been a phenomenal amount of technical problems with my computer since arriving in Washington D.C. yesterday, so I'm going to be thankful if I am able to post anything at all.
I've rebuilt my laptop to factory default because I couldn't get it to run at all.  Things seemed to be okay when I went to bed last night...but this morning, we're back to a black screen again. 
So I'm on a friend's laptop right now, and he has some internet filtering that prevents me from accessing the Dakota Voice control panel directly, so I"m going to try something that's supposed to work but I've never tried before: blogging via email.
If you pray, please pray for my technical problems. 
But no matter what, it's great to be here in the capital of our great nation.  It's already been a great time, with a great dinner with some good FRC folks, and a great breakfast this morning with Bishop Harry Jackson and the High Impact Leadership Coalition.
Okay, let's see if this works...


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