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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Jim Daily

Jim Daily, President of Focus on the Family, was next to speak at the 2008 Family Research Council Washington Briefing.
Daily said he was very excited about the candidacy of Governor Sarah Palin for the Republican vice presidency.  He stated he greatly appreciated her strong pro-life stance and life.
Daily said Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) came to Colorado Springs to talk with Dr. James Dobson about why it always seemed he was more aligned with the Republican Party.  Dobson told him that his issues were family issues first, and that if Democrats would talk positively about these issues more often, they would find themselves coming together a lot more.
Daily then said that what he was about to say was not told to him in confidence, so he felt free to relate it.  He said Salazar told them that there were 20-25 pro-life Democrat senators, including Harry Reid.  Salazar said they are not allowed to talk about that because the Democrat base would not tolerate it.
Daily asked if we are more preoccupied with the polar bear than the pre-born baby?
He also spoke about bringing our values not only into the public square, but in the things we vote for and against.  Daily said this goes not only for the average voter, but that our elected representatives should not be afraid to vote their values.
Daily spoke of why Sarah Palin has become so popular among women.  He said his wife calls Palin a "woman's woman."  His wife said Palin isn't trying to be a man, but is strong as a woman.  
Daily said there is forgiveness when a teen finds themselves pregnant out of wedlock, or a person finds themselves caught up in the sin of homosexuality, or heterosexuality outside of marriage.  However, he said that when a nation chooses to kill their own children and champion sin, God's judgment must certainly come on that nation.
He encouraged the crowd to stick with the time-tested values, to not be embarrassed about what they believe in.  He said he hoped we can begin the process of re-engaging values voters in this election. 


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