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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, September 12, 2008

Values Voter Summit: Michael Steele

Michael Steele, Chairman of GOPAC, said he was fresh off the trail from Denver.  He joked that visiting Mount Olympus had been inspiring. 
He said it was refreshing when he attended the GOP conference to hear that we need to focus on country and community. 
Steele said America watched the GOP convention, and America learned something, and America was beginning to respond.  He received a healthy round of applause when he mentioned vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
He said that when liberals he encountered started "bearing their fangs" against Palin, he told them: "I know Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is a friend of mine.  You don't want to mess with Sarah Palin."
Steele said it was really the values she holds and that so many of us also share that the liberals oppose. 
According to Steele: "We have a culture which tells us not only 'Give to Caesar what is Caesar's,' but 'Give to Caesar what is God's'."
"When did being a Christian become a pejorative in this country," asked Steele.
Steele encouraged values voters to not just complain, but to get involved, to stand up for other Americans who want to succeed and need an opportunity. 
Steele said not to underestimate Sarah Palin.  He said having raised five children, from one going off to war to another newborn infant, she can accomplish anything she wants.
"This woman shoots moose; what's she going to do to a donkey," Steele joked.
Steele said the ideal of valuing the family and the rights of individuals is not done.  It only is, he said, if you give up and give in to those forces who demand that you give not only to Caesar what is Caesar's, but also give to Caesar what is God's.
Great speech!


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