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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, December 07, 2007

AIDS Whitewash at the White House

About a week ago, I did a post on an op/ed done by Robert Knight about the AIDS epidemic, and how no one seems to want to talk about WHY people get AIDS--they only want to throw more money at it without examining the causes.

Because some liberals gave me (predictable) grief for being so cold-hearted as to say such a thing, a few days later I posted some startling statistics about AIDS spending.

Apparently yesterday a journalist attempted to ask some of these same questions at a White House press briefing, and received a similar "whitewash" treatment from the Bush administration spokesman.

From WorldNetDaily:

KINSOLVING: "Two domestic questions. The Media Research Center – with the Centers for Disease Control's statistics that HIV/AIDS in the U.S. is still a great deal higher among men who have sex with men …"

PERINO:: "Let's move on to the next question. I'm not even going to dignify…"


PERINO: "I'm not, Les, unless you want to just move on altogether. What's your next question?"

KINSOLVING: "All right. In major cities like Washington, Chicago and San Francisco, there are reports that gay bathhouses facilitate…"

PERINO: "Okay, Keith, go ahead. Les, it's inappropriate…"

KINSOLVING: "Inappropriate?"

KINSOLVING: "AIDS isn't that…"

PERINO: "Just stop it, stop it."

Kinsolving's first question, which he wasn't allowed to finish asking, would have been:

"The Media Research Center – with the Centers for Disease Control's statistics that HIV/AIDS in the U.S. is still a great deal higher among men who have sex with men. Then should any AIDS officials be claiming that all Americans are equally at risk?"

There's a simple, elemental truth in life. If you keep ignoring the cause of a problem, chances are you're going to keep getting more of that problem.

Do we want to end AIDS, or would we rather continue sticking our heads in the sand?


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