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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Study Links Aggressive Behavior to Porn Use

Wow! This is pretty scary!

From, word of a new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality:

The study showed that 60% of men polled would rape or force a woman to do something she didn't want to do if they were sure they could do so with impunity. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, said there is a correlation between viewing porn and aggressive sexual behavior among individuals. The results of the study reflect attitudes and behavior that she attributes to prolonged exposure to pornography.

With our society losing its will to deal firmly with crime and to punish offenders with long sentences, this could make for a more dangerous world. I'm very glad my daughter's taking Ju-Jitsu lessons.

A few years ago, Rapid City received the dubious distinction of being named the "rape capital" of the country after topping the FBI rape statistics list--for at least two or three years. In response, citizens pressed for and the city council passed an adult oriented business law which placed restrictions on the porn shops and strip joints in Rapid City, bringing some much-needed sanity to an unregulated business.

Since then, one strip joint has closed down. And the last time I looked at the FBI stats, Rapid City had dropped significantly from the #1 rape rate. Coincidence, or a result of reigning in this activity?

This report would seem to indicate that it's no coincidence.


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