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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Historic Senate Vote on Global Warming Coming

As the Baltimore Sun blog points out, the U.S. Senate committee on Environment and Public Works is scheduled to make a historic vote on global warming this week.

This could be the first time a U.S. Senate body has voted on a science-fiction scare. (Didn't we learn anything after the "War of the Worlds" radio program?)

Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland is a co-sponsor of the bill. A group of Maryland environmental groups recently wrote a letter to Cardin (see below) urging him to strengthen the bill. They praise the proposal as a good first step, but they want to end the bill's free giveaway of pollution credits to power companies and amend the legislation to create a more aggressive target of an 80 percent cut by 2050.

"This is the first time ever a Senate committee is voting on a global warming bill, and that's historic," said Brad Heavner, director of Environment Maryland. "There is some reasonable expectation that this will get to the floor, but the big question is will it get stronger or weaker?....We think it needs to be stronger."

As this blog reported last month, Europe tried a pollution credit trading system to curb carbon dioxide emissions after it passed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, and power companies worked the system to make billions in profits. Electricity customers paid higher bills, thinking they were contributing to a cooler planet. But their money just went into the pockets of the electric companies, which didn't end up actually cutting down on their carbon dioxide emissions.

As this blog has repeatedly pointed out, anthropogenic global warming may just be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the human race. And this Democrat-controlled Senate committee is poised to penalize American business and the American people based on bad science and fantasy.


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