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Friday, December 07, 2007

Romney Opposes Embryonic Stem Cell Research...Except When He Supports It

LifeNews points to an interview of Mitt Romney by Katie Couric of CBS News and says Romney opposes embryonic stem cell research...except when he's for it.
Here's the "against it" part:

"I'm very much in favor of stem cell research, but in a way which I believe is moral and ethical," he said.

That means he opposes "creating new embryos through embryo farming or through cloning" -- which is a practice he finds "unethical ."

Here's the "for it" part:
"So what kind of embryos -- embryos that are created for procreation and then would be discarded? Are those the ones that you feel are perfectly fine from which to cull cells for stem cell research?" Couric asked.

"Yes," Romney responded, "those embryos that are referred to commonly as surplus embryos from in-vitro fertilization."

Romney could still support stem cell research and be completely pro life. Adult stem cell research is ALREADY producing cures, where embryonic stem cell research has yet to yield a single success.

And just a few weeks ago, scientist said they're having success with a procedure that makes adult stem cells become less specialized so that they possess essentially the same scientifically attractive qualities of embryonic stem cells.

There's just really no good reason to destroy human life in the name of research.


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