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Monday, December 03, 2007

Tough Choice for Liberals

First of all, let me be clear: I don't buy for one second the man-is-destroying-the-planet, global warming nonsense. But this story from ABC News has some interesting ramifications.

It seems, according to believers in this environmental nonsense, that divorce is actually increases damage to the planet.

Households in which a divorce occurs have a greater negative impact on the environment in terms of efficient use of resources than the households of married couples, according to research that will be published this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The reason is simple — it's all about efficiency, says Jianguo Liu, lead author of the study who has the Rachel Carson chair in ecological sustainability at the university's department of fisheries and wildlife.

"In the divorced households, the number of people is smaller than in married households," Liu told "The resource efficiency used per person is much lower than in married households."

This has to create an interesting quandry for liberals. Since liberals are dedicated to the premise of unhindered self actualization and unbridled sexual freedom, their devotion to these ideals is hurting their precious Gaia. The tearing apart of homes and scattering families brought on by divorce seems to be hastening the demise of the planet they worship.

What a tough choice: keep families together, as religious wackos have been advocating, to save the planet, or enjoy unrestrained personal freedom and watch the planet burn up.

Sure must be tough being a liberal.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Indeed it must be!

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