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Friday, December 07, 2007

Military Diversity Brigade

As much as I respect the United States military, I'm glad I'm not in the military anymore.

Apparently some of these DOD idiots are forming a "diversity task force" for the military.


Gen. Casey appointed Brig. Gen. Belinda Pinckney, commander of the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command to head up the task force. He made the announcement at the Army's first senior leadership diversity breakfast Thursday morning.

"The purpose of the task force is to increase awareness and to inform ourselves about how we need to adapt what we're doing so we can sustain awareness and focus on diversity," Gen. Casey said.

When I was in the military, the military worked HARD to break down "diversity" and individuality. While allowing for independent thought, the emphasis was sameness, uniformity (thus we wore the "uniform," all cut our hair short, etc.) and teamwork.

When you're busy defending our nation and fighting the bad guys, you don't have time to run around throwing confetti, celebrating "diversity" all the time. You work as a team to kill the bad guys. That's why they call military groups "units." You work as a unit, a team, not a bunch of diverse, different individuals. What's our military coming to?

Keep in mind, too, that "diversity" is usually a codeword for homosexual inclusion.


Anonymous said...

They should have gotten a combat general to do the dirty work since it will be combat NCO's that will have to break in new policies.

Bruce -

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