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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Boy Scouts ignore 'pay-up-or-move' ultimatum

Boy Scouts ignore 'pay-up-or-move' ultimatum
Philadelphia threatening $199,999 rent increase or eviction

Posted: December 4, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Officials with the Cradle of Liberty Boy Scouts organization in Philadelphia have ignored a city deadline either to promise to pay a rent hike of $199,999 a year or agree to move out of the organization's historic headquarters.

Officials with the national headquarters for Boy Scouts of America declined comment, telling WND the issue had been left up to Cradle of Liberty organization officials to explain, and they did not return WND requests for a comment.

However, council spokesman Jeff Jubelirer told the Associated Press the group can neither go against a national organization policy, nor can it pay the rent, which the city raised from $1 a year to $200,000.

The city had demanded a decision from the Boy Scouts by Monday on whether they would pay the rent, raised by the city after the organization refused city demands to drop a national policy banning homosexuals as members or Scout leaders.

"If I do not receive an executed lease, signed by the Boy Scouts, to remain as tenants paying a fair market rent, we will begin looking for alternative tenants that can take over the property June 1, 2008," Romulo Diaz, the city solicitor, said earlier. He, according to Philadelphia media reports, is an open homosexual.

(Full article)

Philadelphia should be ashamed of itself, as should the activist involved.


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