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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, December 05, 2007

CBS Picks Up Huckabee 'Willie Horton' Story

CBS News has picked up the story about Mike Huckabee's "Willie Horton" which involves Wayne Dumond, the convicted rapist that Huckabee worked to free from prison early...and who went on to rape and murder a woman after he was released.

The CBS piece points out that while Huckabee's camp has tried to downplay his involvement in Dumond's release, the Arkansas governor's involvement is "exhaustively detailed" at the Arkansas Times.

From the CBS piece:

DuMond's release was delayed because a number of states did not want to take him in, but he left prison in 1999 and ended up in Missouri. Not long after he arrived, he was arrested again - this time for sexually assaulting and murdering a woman named Carol Sue Shields. DuMond was also the leading suspect in the rape and murder of another woman. He was convicted of murdering Shields and died in prison in 2005.

According to Arkansas Times editor Max Brantley, who has tangled repeatedly with Huckabee over the years, the governor's influence clearly played a role in DuMond's release from prison.

"In the end, he took a series of actions that can be interpreted only one way: That he was an advocate for Wayne DuMond," said Brantley. "And it was bad judgment. And he's never been willing to take responsibility for it."

I believe this incident and others such as his unwillingness to uphold the rule of law in dealing with illegal aliens demonstrates that Huckabee is unwilling or unable to deal firmly with matters involving crime and right and wrong.

That's not a positive characteristic in a candidate for president of the most powerful country on earth, in a world full of hostile and evil people.


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