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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Girl, 7, Shot 6 Times While Protecting Mother

Girl, 7, Shot 6 Times While Protecting Mother

Last Edited: Wednesday, 05 Dec 2007, 5:43 PM CST
Created: Wednesday, 05 Dec 2007, 10:43 AM CST

12/05/2007 --
A Detroit girl who jumped in front of a hail of bullets to protect her mother from an enraged gunman Saturday night is being hailed as an “angel from heaven.”

Alexis Goggins, 7, was hit protecting her mother Selietha Parker, 30, after Parker's ex-boyfriend Calvin Tillie, 29, forced the pair and family friend Aisha Ford to drive to Six Mile Road under threat of death, the Detroit News reported.

(Full Report on Fox News)

A young child with a big, loving heart and the courage of a giant!


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