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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Barry Lynn: Romney Snubbed God-Haters

Rev. (why does this anti-God guy insist on calling himself a reverend?) Barry Lynn, the head of a group built on a mythical lie, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, is (predictably) all up in arms over Mitt Romney's speech today, according to CNS News.

Anytime someone mentions religious faith in public, Lynn and his minions go into convulsions and start foaming at the mouth, but this time his reason (or one of them, at least), is a little different and at least noteworthy.

One thing that was missing from Romney's speech, according to Lynn, was the acknowledgement of those who don't follow any religion.

"I was also disappointed that Romney doesn't seem to recognize that many Americans are non-believers," said Lynn. "Polls repeatedly show that millions of people have chosen to follow no spiritual path at all. They're good Americans too, and Romney ought to have recognized that fact."

And they're in the least favorable faith-set of any group (yes they do have faith: faith that God isn't real), making up about 12% of the population.

Actually, Romney's speech DID acknowledge those who don't follow any religion and did recognize them, though maybe not directly.

From Romney's speech today:
And further, they discovered the essential connection between the survival of a free land and the protection of religious freedom. In John Adams' words: ``We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. ... Our Constitution,'' he said, ``was made for a moral and religious people.''

Even to the highest law of our land, that's just the kind of country America was meant to be...


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