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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, December 02, 2007

When Human Life is Worth a Prairie Dog

From today's Rapid City Journal Letters to the Editor:

Pro-life stand doesn’t prevent destruction of wildlife

I’m struggling with the words of Donald Wander (Nov. 11): “We should all be scandalized at what happens to babies as the result of abortion.” Sir, I really find it hard to empathize with your pro “life” stand when it advocates protection for the one terrestrial critter that needs it the least.

In my lifetime some of the world’s great mammals have declined by as much as 90 percent while at the same time human numbers have gone from a little more than one billion when I was born to almost seven billion today. Now that is scandalous!

You and I have little control over the poaching and habitat destruction that goes on in Africa, India or Brazil, but we do have a say on what goes on in America. We kill mountain lions, we kill coyotes, and we kill prairie dogs. We kill, kill, and kill. We build super stores, tourist attractions and housing developments on what was prime wildlife habitat and then justify it by saying that people come first.

Think what you will, Mr. Wander, but can you kind of understand why some of us might feel apathetic about the fate of a few unwanted and unneeded fetuses.


This is what you risk when you depart from a Christian world view: the inability to distinguish between human life an animals. And that's not only pathetic, it's dangerous.


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