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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

New Study Showing Correlation Between Abortion, Substance Abuse

Still another study that shows a correlation between abortion and substance abuse.


Young women who have abortions are more likely to drink heavily and abuse hard drugs, the study found. The study of 1,122 young women, born at the Mater hospital in the early 1980's, showed that about one third had an abortion. This one third was three times more likely to have abused methamphetamine, heroin or sniffed glue.

They were twice as likely to be binge drinkers or alcoholics, and 1.5 times more likely to suffer depression.

Substance abuse usually doesn't come about because people are fulfilled and happy, but because they're disturbed about something and/or trying to run from something in their lives (I speak from experience, too).

Ignoring for a moment that abortion ends a human life in the womb, with the kind of evidence piling up that abortion harms women (infertility, depression, substance abuse, breast cancer, etc.) if this was a pill offered by a pharmaceutical company to treat an illness, I'm certain their would be massive public outcry to pull this product from the shelves. I'm also sure the "mainstream" media would be doing plenty of expose's on how dangerous this all was.

But since it's abortion and it involves sexual freedom...when we don't hear the howls of derision from the pro-abortion elites, we just hear the cricks chirping.


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