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Monday, December 03, 2007

Parental, Moral Impact of SCHIP

In addition to providing taxpayer funded socialized medicine for illegal aliens, according to a Heritage Foundation report, SCHIP also undermines juvenile sexual responsibility and undermines parental authority.

The short scoop:

If the proposed legislation goes into effect, federal laws and regulations would make contraception available to millions of children, for free, while prohibiting doctors and schools from informing the children's parents.

The report points out that, by law, those providing medical care to children (i.e. school nurses, clinics, etc.) are prohibited from sharing that medical information with anyone else--regardless of the age of the patient.
Medicaid requires the states to provide contraception to each eligible minor, regardless of age, who is sexually active and requests contraception. Under Medicaid-SCHIP, any eligible child who has reached puberty has a legal right to contraception and a legal right to confidentiality.

And the SCIP bill specifically allows for this kind of "health care:"
Two provisions of the "compromise" bill, sections 506 and 616, would allow SCHIP and Medicaid funding to go to school-based health clinics, making it easier and cheaper to provide free contraception to children without their parents' knowledge.

Parental rights and responsibilities have already been far too undermined under our current socialist "nanny state" where the government assumes responsibility for what people used to do themselves. SCHIP would further the erosion of parental responsibility and the moral fiber of the next generation.

Senator John Thune was right to vote against this bill, and President Bush was right to veto it.


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