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Monday, October 06, 2008

Video: Obama Exposed; Ayers Not 'Just Some Guy in the Neighborhood

Predictably, Sarah Palin is taking heat for doing the "mainstream" media's job in talking about Barack Obama's association with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

As this video illustrates, it is a subject that is not completely unknown. It was broached at a Democrat presidential primary debate...where it was asked by former Clinton administration official and debate moderator George Stephanopoulos, and useful to help boost Hillary Clinton against Democrat challenger Barack Obama.

You may have noticed, however, that it quickly fell off the national scene without any real public vetting...certainly not even close to the level we've seen against Sarah Palin in about a month's time.

Bill Ayers was "just some guy in the neighborhood?" Not hardly.

From the YouTube publisher:
Obama was Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) from 1995 to the end of 2001, and distributed more than $110 Million dollars to improve Chicago Public Schools. Listen to what Obama said about the person that submitted the CAC grant proposal, and also sat as an ex officio member of the CAC board, Bill Ayers

A large portion of the more than $110 Million went to ethnic and social programs like these:

$632,662 to Small Schools Workshop, started by Mike Klonsky and William Ayers, created to push their school reform agenda.

$413,000 to the South Shore African Village Collaborative for their "Celebrate African-American Holiday of Juneteenth" (celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation). Some African-Americans celebrate Juneteenth instead of the Fourth of July.


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